NY puts Landmarks on Alert (Brooklyn Bridge)
by sf 19 Replies latest jw friends
Does this include Brooklyn Bethel?
I think I'd have to be an Al Quieda sympathizer if they managed to blow up Brooklyn Bethel.
Grrr, I can't get the image in my signature to show up. Talk about frustrating.
blondie just made me think about what would happen if the shoe were on the other foot...if in the most unlikely event that something horribly evil like a plane crashing into 25 Columbia Heights, what would the JWs do when people from all different walks of life, religious belief, culture, etc...came to their aid? Would they decline the assistance? How many heart attacks when the first US flag was raised? I don't seem to recall any reason the people of New York wouldn't want to after ALL those brothers and sisters at Bethel ran down to the Trade Center to lend a hand. Sorry, couldn't help that! Notice it doesn't or wouldn't matter to those folks cleaning up down there now or since the rescue effort began after Sept 11, but it certainly does to the WT. Who would want to live in a paradise with people like that anyway?
Another thought is all this vague warning business we're getting from the government, Dick, Georgie, Donnie, oh and Gen Franky...something will happen today or tommorrow, or the next day, or next year, we don't know when or by who, but it will happen.....Dick Cheney is on the Governing Body!!
District Overbeer
Also, I am concerned about suicide bombers doing their thing here. That subject has been in the news a lot the last week or so. Just like in Israel right now - someone could walk into Times Square with a backpack full of explosives and just detonate.
I think as their tactics become more brutal so will ours.
You Know
I suppose it's only a matter of time before some apostate lunatic tries to blow Bethel up. / You Know
yk is thinking/planning aloud
Just what if the bridge goes? What would likely occur?