BOE * 2014-05-01 Witnessing in public places

by WatchTower87 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    btt . for the benefit of those like me who missed this interesting letter ... Thanks WT87

  • blondie

    Even as a faithful jw, I hated street work, business work, talking to people at the bus stop, on the sidewalk, waiting in a car, at the mall, in front of a big store, etc.

    Even as a pioneer...and my fellow pioneers hated it. I swear some jws were praying that no one was at home at each door and that no one would be in the public places. I hated the ones that did the wooden Indian stance and counseled me that I was to let them approach me. I refused to offer magazines and only tracts (and you could not count them then). People were on the way to work and obviously late, trying to catch a cab or bus...

    WTS advice in 1971

    *** km 10/71 p. 8 par. 6 Presenting the Good News—To Those Not Easily Contacted ***

    During the past few months I have had some wonderful experiences while engaged in magazine street work. Witnessing to people I have met on the street has resulted in placing many magazines, obtaining subscriptions and the starting of three Bible studies.”

    “In doing street witnessing I find it is better to stand at a corner or location that is not too busy. When you stand alone the people see you and you can approach them with a smile and cheery ‘Hello.’ They are more friendly and many will stop and talk to you.”

    *** km 1/70 p. 8 Theocratic News ***

    Three publishers with the Laurel, Maryland, Congregation enjoyed good success in street witnessing one morning, placing 110 magazines and 19 books

    *** km 6/11 p. 2 par. 3 Street Witnessing That Is Effective ***

    Use good judgment in deciding where to stand on the street and whom to approach. It is not necessary to witness to every passerby. Be observant. If the person is in a hurry, for example, it may be best to let him pass. When witnessing in front of a business place, be discreet so as to avoid causing undue concern to the manager. It is often better to witness to people as they leave the business rather than as they enter. Approach people in a way that will not frighten or startle them.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Successful "Street Witnessing" requires wedging literature in between pedestrians' faces and their cell phones as they walk by... In case JWs have forgotten, it's 2014 not 1964...

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