Yeah, this drives me crazy too. I think my wife has finally come around to how cruel this can be (this was something I would often point out even before waking up to TTATT) when someone proclaims that they found $20 out in service and it was exactly what they needed to pay rent for that month, so it must be holy spirit! I can't imagine how crappy I'd feel if I was listening to someone say that if I'd just been evicted because I couldn't pay my rent.
Thing's I've heard attributed to holy spirit/Jehovah/angels/flying spagetti monster:
Coming up with the perfect scripture while out in service (uh, you've spent your entire life being indoctrinated and trained to come up with out of context scriptures while trying to recruit, this is hardly miraculous)
Finding a roll of toilet paper in the street while in service (apparently the pioneer sister had just run out and couldn't afford groceries for another couple days)
Saving a brother from a dog attack while in service. He said the dog was charging at him and he put his bag up to block him and cried out to jehovah to save him and it was as if an angel stood between him and the dog and knocked the dog down as it jumped at him. He must've missed the fact that the dog was chained to a tree, and had just reached the end of the chain.
Lots of experiences of finding money (it's always exactly the amount needed! so, if they found $5 more than they needed for their rent or whatever, it wouldn't have been holy spirit?)
Lots of experiences of "jehovah providing" when really it's a well-off family providing (i.e. letting a pioneer stay with them free of charge, a brother fixing their car, someone buying them groceries, etc)
My father's ability to give public talks is always blamed on holy spirit, even though the man can (and has) talked to perfect strangers for longer than a public talk lasts. He's not a shy man, but somehow it takes holy spirit for him to talk on stage...
I've even heard holy spirit blamed for some pretty terrible things like killing someone's wife/child. How is this, you might ask? well anytime someone has that territory with someone who always turns them down, then all of a sudden they accept because their wife died or they lost their job or whatever terrible thing just happened, they say that holy spirit did it so that they'd be moved to accept the truth (read: emotionally weakened to the point where they're susceptible to being recruited by a love-bombing cult)
I'm sure I could come up with many more, because anything good that happens to anyone is always jehovah's spirit (unless you're worldly, then it's just satan's wicked system looking after what is it's own)