If you get good, you thank God for it.
If you get bad, you ask God for strength and courage to surmount your obstacles.
This can be done successfully without involving fictional characters or make believe scenarios.
by BU2B 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you get good, you thank God for it.
If you get bad, you ask God for strength and courage to surmount your obstacles.
This can be done successfully without involving fictional characters or make believe scenarios.
Oh the pain of hearing this over and over and over again! My wife is the worst, when things are going well financially, good health, stability in the family, everyone is happy, then praise Jehovah! But when everything is going down south and everything seems to be just a cluster F*%* it is because we are doing something wrong and is making Jehovah saaaaaad…
The solution… pray more, preach more, show that you are a zealous witness, give more comments, study the WT, read the bible, don’t doubt in Jehovah and repeat cycle.
pray more, preach more, show that you are a zealous witness, give more comments, study the WT, read the bible, don’t doubt in Jehovah and repeat cycle. (Notice how none of this has anything to do with solving your problems)
Then when you get out of the woods, you finally find the job you needed, you pay off your debts, the medical treatment is working, and stability comes back into your life, PRAISE JEHOVAH! Repeat cycle…
What JW’s and religious people in general don’t realize, is that when you don’t get what you want or you suffer. Is because your God wants it to be that way.
BU2B- you have stepped into my wheelhouse on this topic. IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!!!!!! What I have come to realize is that JW's who exclaim all of this "holy spirit" impacting their lives though out the day in, as you rightly say, mundane ways are just doing this to make themselves look and feel special to the other JW's they want to impress or include themselves with. Every time someone is interviewed on stage, whether that is at the KH or assembly or convention, or every time someone's life story is given in the Awake or yearbook, the "holy spirit" appears to be following these people around like a golden cloud raining dew drops of money and liquid gold on their heads with everything they do. These myopic morons who spew this crap do not take into account just how offensive that may sound to a person in the audience who had to struggle mightily just to get to that meeting or assembly that day. To hear a pioneer on stage claiming "holy spirit" when they got some small windfall of money or a bonus at their janitorial job or a generous brother mechanic fixed their sensible 4 door pioneer wagon and the single mom in the audience with 4 children had to scrounge up spare change to have enough gas money to drive to the meeting/assembly/convention and her car is about to blow a gasket or her phone may be getting turned off the following day......... and she has to be insulted by some precious pioneer who has been TOLD by the brother giving the part to make sure and give credit to Jehovah's "holy spirit" for all their luck errrr, I mean "blessings" in life?
The examples of this magical "holy spirit" "blessing" JW's is endless. I have heard literally tens of thousands of them. And that what it really boils down to....... these JW's believe in magic. It is their own pure and wholesome magic directly from the celestial heavens but, nonetheless, it is still magic. There is no other way to describe it using their logic and reasoning.
I believe in Holy Spirit. But my Holy Spirit is the cumulative positive energy of behaving and doing things the way Jehovah expects us to by using morals and principles and the actual fruitage of the spirit. If a person does their level best to live in that way then it is a dead lock that overall, things will go well for them and even when things do not go well, they have the mental stability to handle the situation. IMO, to believe in anything beyond this is not only ridiculous but actually cruel and disparaging to the God I believe in.
Confirmation bias.
A need to justify believing in a fictional twat in the sky.
So Jehovah's spirit(tm) gave you a bike? Where was Jehovah's spirit(tm) when a paedophile elder was repeatedly abusing an innocent child?
Confirmation bias.
A need to justify believing in a fictional twat in the sky.
So Jehovah's spirit(tm) gave you a bike? Where was Jehovah's spirit(tm) when a paedophile elder was repeatedly abusing an innocent child?
This makes me crazy too. I started a topic on this very thing. Jehovah WAS going to help that starving little girl....but wait you just lost your car keys and that is much more important since you need to find them to go out in FS...
This is the reason I stopped praying a long time ago. I used my critical thinking skills and understood how cruel it is for me to think that I need God’s help to pay my rent this month, when you have millions of homeless people worldwide.
33 JWs die in a typhoon in the Philipines (27 as a direct result of the GB's direction). No Jehovah in sight for that one. "Time and unforseen circumstance" or "well, this is life in Satan's old world", is the explanation from JWs.
But, at least Jehovah™ was Johnny-On-The-Spot to arrange good weather in NY over last summer so the rNWT could be printed.
God sure has his priorities f**ked up.