Maranatha -
I don't think any atheists hate god the way you think we do. We certainly hate many of the negative things that have occurred due to the belief in a god (religious cults, genocide, etc). Certainly there'd be bad people with and without god, but taking away one more excuse to practice racism, sexism, homophobia, and all manner of other unfounded predjudices can't possibly be anything but beneficial. All that being said, we don't "hate god" any more than we hate vampires.
As for our apparent desire to turn people away from god, I imagine that my PM to you has a part in this statement. I've never made an effort to turn anyone away from god. You asked me some questions, and I answered them honestly with no other motive other than a commitment to honesty and truth. I appologize if my commitment to truth and honesty is offensive to you, but I think you may need to practice the advice of the bible and be a little slower to judgement.
I can see how you'd see certain conversations between like-minded atheists as patting each other on the back, but can you say that it's any different than what christians do when they get together to pat themselves on the back when discussing their ministry or their spirituality or bible study or whatever?
All this is on top of your committing the most common mistake of theists - assuming that atheism is in any way, shape, form or fashion a religion. It is a religion in exactly the same way that the vaccuum of space is a gas, off is a TV channel, abstinence a sexual position, transparent a color.
Please remember to exhibit the christian qualities of kindness and love, and allow others to enjoy the freedom of thought, expression and belief (or lack thereof) that I'm certain that you cherish dearly.