After almost 40 years of being shunned by close family members, it never gets easier. My own mother is under the spell of the "organization" and won't even write to me. For a long time I sent her things - cards, news articles of interest, jokes, etc - I finally gave up. I get an occasional note or WT clipping. I realized nothing is better than opening the wound with every opened letter containing another rejection. Would like to hear how others are dealing with it.
by JOHNROSS93 25 Replies latest jw experiences
It takes a lot to break a mother's love for her children, religion seems to have that power in some cases. Ideology over natural love.
I haven't spoken to or seen my brother in 20 years. He is an Elder who sought my DFing. Religion over family. Tragic.
Im sorry you have to go through this. Whatever happened to long suffering and mercy from some who claim to be Christian.It must be painful for you. Just keep showing love. I never got DF just let myself fade away slowly. Noone ever bothered again. I will pray for you to be set free form that bondage
Ensure you are out of the picture if they come asking for money or other material help. Should this occur remind the asker that you are 'shunned' and that 'shunning' has a double edge. This is called tough love.
The Searcher
"You shun the 'unrighteous', but not their money?".
True friendships or true loving family relationships are supposed to be UNCONDITIONAL!
One doesn't have to agree with every decision or choice of another in life in order to be close to them or be a family member....
but the GB have determined that they alone have the right to dictate who members can and can't be close to.
That is called "conditional love" and it is toxic to both parties of people....
It sucks. I have relative that I have no contact with. Why? Because they are worldly or DF'd. I have a close relative who is DF'd and I have tried to reach out to them. The problem is that they have a life and children. Imagine the confusion for the kids. After never knowing me, I breeze into their life like it's all good? I don't blame them for ignoring my texts and calls. Until I am fully out of the cult, I will just hurt others. So, ironically, I am now being shunned.
I sent my sister a birthday card I know she doesn't celebrate but it is her 50th which for most would be marked. I didn't sign it as she doesn't see me even when I stand right in front of her.
I feel she is lost in this cult it hurts, it would be nice to have her back.
Good Quote DD!
Was that from Divergent?