Secret recording devices hidden in Kingdom Hall furniture...

by Focus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    Let's pretend that a suspicious Presiding Overseer K. Eepclean, alerted by a misbehaving microwave oven to an apostate infliltration of his flock, hides secret recording devices in Kingdom Hall furniture, and transcribes the conversations...

    Since like most POs, mentally he's more than a few nickels short of a quarter, he needs help to figure out who said what.

    So, please study this photo:

    Here are the conversations:

    1. "My dear, I can explain the deeper meaning of this section to you.
    But we must keep it our secret - you, me and Jehovah God.
    Your mom or dad could be disappointed if they knew you had help.
    When shall I come around? They need to be out of the house."

    2. "Given how close we are too Armageddon, this probably won't matter.
    But we cannot say for sure you won't pass away before it happens.
    I can give you a Society-approved draft for your will.
    It will save you a lot of worldly lawyer's fees."

    3. "Those rings are really expensive.
    They'll look so much better on me."

    4. "My dad outranks your dad.
    It's going to be that way forever on Paradise Earth.
    Just accept it, and do as you're told."

    5. "I don't care if you're bored and want to go out and play.
    Jehovah God wants you to be here.
    If you know what's good for you, don't embarrass me any more.
    Else, I'll beat the daylights out of both of you when we get home."

    6. "I think her hairstyle is manly, and she's too big for her boots.
    It troubles me that blacks will hugely outnumber whites after Armageddon."

    7. "Mummy, I want to give up school NOW. Can I pioneer?"

    8. "Sister, I simply do not feel the same way about you this week.
    I cannot deceive Jehovah. And please don't stumble me by persisting."

    9. "It is not for us to advise you on such matters.
    But there is sound advice in the Book of Timothy on the need for balance between your family and your congregational responsibilities.
    A second child will be incompatible with your commitment to kingdom proclaiming work.
    A withdrawal of privileges may not be the only judicial action we take.
    But, of course, you are free to make your own choice."

    10. "I am sorry. You are wrong about the arrangement.
    In this KH, literature you take out has to be paid for.
    Suggested rates means minimum ones, plus we need what the householders paid for the last batch."

    11. "I think I've narrowed down my search to those three roads.
    Now I merely have to select which houses it is I want to move into."

    Now, please help the P.O. match them up with the people:

    A =

    B =

    C =

    D =

    E =

    F =

    G =

    H =

    I =

    J =


    If some don't apply, please feel free to supply your own transcribed conversations (but please... keep it indecent, folks).




    ("Missing Exclamation Mark!" Class)

  • LogCon

    I think this picture is staged.

    The only part that looks realistic is the little kid in C, sawing logs.

  • berrygerry

    A. It's been so long since we've had a man around the house.

    B. It's a good thing this counter is waist-high. I need to wait this out.

    C. No, we don't DF for accepting blood, nor for facial hair.

    D. C'mon already - go home - I can still catch the end of the game.

    E. (That pose doesn't exist)

    F. Hmmm, what kids are in the bathroom?

    G & H. The original Hebrew word for threefold cord is sometimes translated "threesome." It would be encouraging to research this together, don't you think?

    I. Yes, that is rock candy that you're feeling.

    J. One of my roles as School Overseer is to ensure that this important point of counsel on Dress and Grooming is taken seriously. You did very well tonight, but you can understand the importance of having Jehovah's view of your day-to-day school clothes, don't you? That gives a witness to men and angels. What day is your spare the last class?

    K. The video for the deaf on masturbation shows the woman pleasuring downward. I think it would be more realistic going this way, don't you?

  • Quarterback

    This is the conversations in the photo.

    a) Sorry, the Literature department is now closed. Go to JW.Org for your requests.

    b) No, I'm not scamming you. Look inside the magazine. See...the Awake is in there.

    c) So this is your unbelieving husband? Wha.....he's a believing JW who has been inactive for years. I guess their aint no study here.

    d) This Territory job is boring. Wish I worked in Literature.

    e) So, did you put in your August Pioneer application in yet? You know you can avoid it.

    f) WTF...this isn't the Mormon Church. Those lying weasels at those carts.

    g) Here you guys are, Hey, I need a ride again.

    h) Sorry, but this time we are putting our foot down. Get a higher education and buy yourself a car.

    i) So did you ever believe that birds could get so angry?

    j) I know that I'm your Window Washer in real life, but here when I tell you, you have do clean the toilets, you have to listen & obey.

  • Focus

    Quarterback, I'm sure your heart's in the right place, but I have to award the interim "Demonized Apostate" (cf. "Common or Garden Variety of Apostate) award to berrygerry. Particular mention goes to:

    B. It's a good thing this counter is waist-high. I need to wait this out.

    F. Hmmm, what kids are in the bathroom?

    I. Yes, that is rock candy that you're feeling.

    J. One of my roles as School Overseer is to ensure that this important point of counsel on Dress and Grooming is taken seriously. You did very well tonight, but you can understand the importance of having Jehovah's view of your day-to-day school clothes, don't you? That gives a witness to men and angels. What day is your spare the last class?

    K. The video for the deaf on masturbation shows the woman pleasuring downward. I think it would be more realistic going this way, don't you?

    The prize is the following screen-capture, sent to me by demonic means. I cannot vouch for its accuracy:



    ("One-Witness-Rule" Class)

  • stuckinarut2

    very funny !

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey Focus, great game!! Do another!!

  • rip van winkle
  • Quarterback

    OK, Focus. It was an honor to be Nominated though. You also were creative.

    Now I know what Leonardo feels like.

  • naazira

    A. Can I have a copy of the secret to family happiness? Thanks

    B. Write your number on my magazine, I'll let you know when the stock comes in *wink wink*

    C. You all have been visiting for awhile now, it is time for you to take a stand for Jehovah God. By joining the ministry school, becoming unbaptised publishers, dressing nice. Keep your kid from crying.

    D. I hope I accurately counted all in attendance!!

    E. I'm going to be an elder oneday and you'll be out of here!

    F. Let me hurry out of here, and smoke a cigarette. I hate when the speaker goes over time and the watchtower study has 21 paragraphs.

    G. I'm going to tell all of your secrets....Tell me more

    H. We can't afford to go on the bethel tour!

    I. See this picture kids, this is what's going to happen to your mother if she keeps missing meetings. "Run mum there's a fireball behind you"

    J. Counsel point # 200 kiss me

    K. It's so nice how my elder husband is taking an interest in your daughter. " yes, she needs a father figure.

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