We thought they would release something big for the International Convetion...but it proved to be nothing more than expectations.
Something Big is Coming...
by notsurewheretogo 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
WMF: They must know deep down that the 100 years of nothing very much happening wont go unnoticed by many and that a tide of doubt will be coming.
Au contraire, my little kitty.
Although Satan's been very busy in the fields of science and technology trying to make it look like Jesus hasn't been doing anything, the fact is that the WTBTS is very progressive in technology. They have 2 (that's right, count 'em!), yes 2 impressive technological achievements in the last century:
- The Photo-drama of creation
See this recent thread for more details: IC 2014 talk: "A Century of Kingdom Rule Contrasted With a Century of Satan’s Rule"
Listen, Obey and Be Blessed - It's a cult!
No, no. You forgot,
- The list goes on.
Like a lot of things JW, the list is invisible. You'll have to use your 'eyes of discernment' to see it ... eventually ... perhaps in 2034.
Something Big is ALWAYS Coming
There, my emendation in RED corrects the original premise.
It seems like only yesterday that I explained the:
Focus Doctrine of Perpetual Round-the-Cornerism
to AlanF...
Post the 1975 fiasco, it has underpinned all Writing Staff hint-droppings.
("Always Correct" Class)
With all the discussion about the new donation arrangements (the perennial debt that cannot be paid down), plus Neptune hitting 9 degrees of Pisces this coming April, I wouldn't be surprised if people were to hand their bank accounts directly to the washtowel, and they will decide how much they "need". Those scumbags at the top know that 9 degrees of Pisces for Neptune means bad luck in the financial system for our country, and the dollar will soon thereafter become toilet paper. With Saturn also in Sagittarius, this is extremely bad news for the dollar--and they know it. They also know a toilet paper donated into the Worldwide Damnation Fund is a toilet paper you cannot use to buy gold and silver.
I would be extremely stingy with donations at this time. Also, I would be supremely stingy with information about bank accounts. You are better off buying and holding silver now, while it is grossly underpriced. Everything you would have pledged to the Worldwide Damnation Fund (including anything you might already be putting there) goes instead into buying silver. For some, it could add up quickly. Skip a month's donation, buy 2 or 3 ounces of silver with it. And you keep the silver. You might also wish to skip pious-sneering, turn in a fake 1-hour time slip if you must, and put the money you save on gas and car expenses (and suit dry cleanings) into silver. You sacrifice nothing, and you get the benefit of having 50 or more ounces of silver, with zero sacrifice, by next April.
Of course, they are going to insist on donating your information to the congregation so they can merge your bank account with the washtowel. Do not let them. If they somehow manage this, I would put most of it into silver so, when the washtowel gets hold of it, the pledge doesn't go through. Do not opt to have "courtesy payment". You keep the silver. You get a small stack of silver with money the washtowel would have confiscated, they get nothing, and you will have that advantage when the dollar becomes toilet paper.
We also have to remember the need for distraction. When you are running on an endless treadmill, you need something to distract you from the monotony. It's my belief that distraction is the whole reason the governing body have placed themselves in the limelight. Is that really going to be enough in the long run? Creating a buzz, creating a vacuum and then filling that vacuum is what it's all about.
You can't keep up that type of activity indefinitely. Even the best literal runner has to slow down or they will burn out, especially when the race has no end. You simply can't keep going when there is no goal, no Finishline. However, if you are running the race, you can bury your dead and recruit new runners who are willing to donate their time and money for the privilege of running.
"not in the real world anyway" so true.
sir82 - Whatever it is, I'll bet it will require lots and lots of donations.
I totally agree and probably you must give your children for the Governing Body to fiddle with.
I don't think they're ready to change the 144,000 doctrine yet, but they do seem to be making strides in that direction since they're not the FDS anymore. It would make some sense, though, because litterally every time I've ever heard anyone say "he partakes" or "he's annointed" or he's one of the 144,000" it's been in a negative context, either because the person is bat-s*** insane, in their early 20s, recently involved in some less than ideal behavior (like unscriptural divorce), or just generally likes to lord their status over people.
The downside to this change is that it would remove a lot of the stigma that JWs have. It seems that when a comedian makes a joke about JWs, they frequently state how odd it is that we're actively recruiting, even though the space in heaven is limited. If they do away with the literal 144,000 number, then JWs lose some of their isolation. Isolation (physical or psychological) is what keeps a cult together, so I don't know if that's coming any time soon. It'd almost be like letting them celebrate birthdays, mothers/fathers day or thanksgiving.
I think it's entirely possible that all this 'listen, obey and be blessed' BS is being thrown around lately is just in response to what appears to be a large number of folks realizing that the generation doctrine changes don't make a lick of sense. It seems like I see a lot of people here citing that as being a significant factor in their awakening, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was also somewhat the motivation of the now (in)famous "human appostates" talk.
It wouldn't be surprising if they really start pushing the play a video on your phone when you go d2d stuff, since they seemed to be trying to get ahead of the criticism in this latest convention's talk by saying that it wasn't a return to the phonograph days, just with modern technology (even though there was no evidence presented to convince anyone that it wasn't a return to the phonograph...). That's something that the JWs would lap up readily, though, so i don't think it would justify the level of rhetoric that we're seeing. They might be coming off extreme in order to scare off the fence-sitters as a few here have postulated, or it may just be another smoke screen to get the R/F whipped into a froth. Maybe a combination.
It's difficult for me to see what they could possibly be preparing for that 'wouldn't seem sound from a human point of view' since there's essentially nothing that would justify them doing anything so extreme. The whole basis for this seems to have been on the expectation that the world will destroy babylon the great and subsequently come after JWs. That narrative is clearly not going to play out the way they think, so why would they need to issue instructions that don't make sense? The only thing that I can see that would warrant this would be if the pedophille stuff starts to become a problem, but they'd hardly be able to plan that for this october, which seems to be what all the subtle hype points to.
That turned out to be a really long post just to say 'I'm not sure what they're planning' lol.
nancy drew
a hundred years of triple dipple double dipper deep in the time of the end