Perhaps it will be a softer tolerance od DF'd relatives.
Something Big is Coming...
by notsurewheretogo 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
NOTSUREWHERETOGO- I don't know if it means the GB is going to make some big doctrinal change - or not. I believe what the quotes you shared from the WT articles DOES indicate is that WT leaders are in fear of losing their power and control over 8 million JW's so in order to keep maintaining that power and control over the Witnesses they put orders and directions to JW's to " be ready to obey ANY instructions we receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint , OR NOT. " And the quote, " the lifesaving direction we receive from Jehovah's organization MAY NOT APPEAR PRACTICAL from a HUMAN STANDPOINT. "
So the Governing Body is telling Witnesses to go AGAINST their inner intuition of right and wrong and blindly trust the GB no matter WHAT direction comes. It's like " we know better, you JW minions do not, so shut up and obey. " This is EXTREMELY dangerous counsel as it causes mind controlled JW's to even put themselves in danger or harms way casting all practical wisdom out the window because WT leaders are doing their thinking FOR them. So if the GB says," we all have to sacrifice our lives to qualify to enter Paradise," many mind controlled JW's would do it ! It could lead to another Jim Jones and People's temple suicide, or have another David Koresh domination over people leading them to their demise. And THAT is the danger, not necessarily doctrinal changes. It's the loss of individuality and personal power that has been stolen from each individual JW that is EXTREMELY dangerous here. Just my 2 cents. That's why we gotta warn people about the dangers of this JW cult. Too many people do NOT realize how dangerous the WT Society is
My vote is a field service modification, with downsizing, toward eliminating the door-to-door work. The liability of sending a "large army" of publishers out door-to-door is not worth the return without literature sales.
"be ready to obey ANY instructions we receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or HUMAN STANDPOINT, or not."
"the lifesaving direction we receive from Jehovah's organization MAY NOT APPEAR PRACTICAL from a HUMAN STANDPOINT "But from the other side of their mouth they say:
*** w09 6/15 p. 23 par. 15 The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body ***
"They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special insights beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have. (Rev. 7:9) They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have."This being the case, how can they give anything OTHER than a human viewpoint?
They do not have any more insight or holy spirit than you, me, or dear old sister Doris Oldbody who falls asleep on the front row all the time.The GB can offer nothing more than another mere human viewpoint, so if it doesn't look 'sound' or 'practical' then I for one will trust my own level-headed judgment in favour of their ivory tower, incoherent, self-serving, liable to be reversed opinion.
My vote is a field service modification, with downsizing, toward eliminating the door-to-door work. The liability of sending a "large army" of publishers out door-to-door is not worth the return without literature sales.
Very true. People easily forget that this cult is run by a "Legal Department".
Separation of Powers
I agree that the winds of change are coming....JW.ORG is SOOOO amazing. It is like no other website EVER! Thousands of people ask for studies a month, millions of publications are downloaded. It is a veritable gold mine of donation revenue! Praise JEEBUS!
On a serious note.
"the third heaven" was an adjustment that lends itself to further clarification in a BIG way. The fact that "paradise" is mentioned in conjunction with the 3rd heaven and the fact that the ORG decided this needed to be studied and clarified my well present the opportunity to describe the "paradise" in line with Revelation and the great crowd being "before" the throne.
As for service and door to door ending? Never gonna happen. It serves to humiliate the sheep and a sheep that is humiliated is easily led.
The intense "we must accept changes" cry is most probably due to the transitioning from door-to-door & printing to street & internet. Many of the r&f don't think of the door to door work and literature placements just as practical means of recruiting but as a command from the J-Dog (as the WT has been hammering into their heads for over 100 years). So now they may have confused feelings about all that.
I recall how there was a big fall-out among the exUSSR JWs in the late 1980s when the org made contact again and started enforcing contemporary policyes. Many who had been hardcore JWs through the Soviet era just didn't start going door to door and eventually told the org to fuck off instead (before WW II they advertized on radio and newspapers and only went to remote farms in person; no door-knocking in towns was happening back then over here).
............Multiple WBT$ Announcements,Announcing the Big Announcement..
Are always more interesting than Big Announcement,thats going to be Announced..
Wait a minute !
In that lovely pic Oubliette posted, do I see a pair of feet sticking out of that freshly made steaming pile ?
Depends .... ending field service would get the doubters back in line because weren't we always told that Armageddon would come after the preaching work had stopped?
However I think that would open the bOrganisation to criticism if nothing happens. Kool Aid anyone? ;-)
Perhaps women can be ministers after all, or being gay will be OK...!