Like they say in the movies, "Follow the money." The thought occurred to me the other day - the WT scam rakes in billions of dollars, and yeah some of that goes to operations and equipment. But Bethelites at farm and factory get only a bare little dorm room and a monthly pittance. Even the GB and their meek little subservient wives have, if I understand it right, only little apartments hardly better than the dorm rooms. The various WT societies and corps don't pay dividends to stockholders, or I've never heard that they do. And so I got to thinking - what's wrong with this picture?
Any other outfit with assets and revenues like they have, Somebody or bodies way up at the top or out to the side would be living mighty high on the hog, with high-class luxury 24/7 - penthouses, beach houses, private jets, limos, diamonds, pearls, champagne, party girls and rent boys, and on and on and on.
Is it really possible that all this vast effort and organzation is only for a few clueless old men and their submissive slave-wives to live in cramped little dorm apartments, with not even a Rolex to show for it? REALLY? Even ordinary Catholic parish priests in the US make out better than that, my Catholic friends tell me.
I'd like hear what others think, if that's all the good the money does for anybody at the top. Seems so unlike what usually happens at the end of the cash flow in any other outfit, secular or religious.