I have seen both ends of the spectrum at the low levels of the society, from DOs down. DOs and COs take a vow of poverty and a long time back were forced to give up their motor-homes/5th wheels and room in publishers homes. That didn't last long and then apartments were being built in each circuit for them. So pretty much everything the RF struggles for is provided for them.
One DO really impressed me at an elders mtng at our 2day convention. He was one of the best speakers I have ever heard and a real down to earth person. A few of the elders were doting over him with complements each out doing the previous with praise and he said, in so many words, You brothers paid to fly me out here, put me up with great accommodations, feed me well, buy my clothes etc. I had better give good talks. That is All I have to do! I do not have to worry about anything. So knock this stuff off!
The other end of the spectrum was a CO who was serving our congregation and was passing around and offering for "donations" gemstones that he cut himself. The guy was a real pompous arse, and I confronted him about it in front of a group of publishers he was working during lunch.... this guy also tried to get me to make up stuff for an assembly part.
I would imagine at the upper levels we should expect at least some shenanigans and abuse of funds going on by some one or a tight group of individuals. Past that who knows. With the WTS track record as far as doctrine/prophesy, white washing their own history, and dishonest editorial, name calling/demonizing, abuse of the membership when it suites them and lack of transparency it wouldn't surprise me if things were much worse.