Speculation: Female Ministerial Servants coming soon
by Londo111 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Too radical a change.
The WTS just wants to give the appearance of mainstreaming.
It has no interest in doing it for real.
If this comes to fruition, they likely will need to wear both a head-covering and a strap-on.
Rub a Dub
RubaDub - "If this comes to fruition, they likely will need to wear both a head-covering and a strap-on."
Somewhere, some freaky, rule-bending JW couples are thinking, "Hmmm..."
Is that a full head covering? Maybe with a zip where your mouth is?
isnt it common knowledge----most married M Servants and elders have their wife's hand up their jacksie pulling the strings ?
Separation of Powers
Never gonna happen....This is a good ole boys club. Very misogynistic
The Female Ministerial Servants will likely be unmarried and referred to as the Greater Butch class.
Rub a Dub
Let's keep this post above the belt, eh
HI Londo, There is no way in hell they will ever allow women in any position of authority. That would mean that they have some respect for females. Since it is a good-ol-boys club and always will be there is no chance of it EVER happening.