It could be that being a Ministerial Servant could be spun so as not to have any authority, but to serve needed functions that the overloaded elders don’t have time to handle. Of course, the few male Ministerial Servants available would still be groomed toward eldership.
Speculation: Female Ministerial Servants coming soon
by Londo111 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Londo, don't hold your breath....
The difference between an MS and an elder is that an elder is "qualified to teach".
That being so, how comes MS's give public talks and Service Meeting items?
If sisters aren't allowed to teach, why do they go on the platform and teach indirectly?
Messed up reasoning.
I'm really starting to wonder why anyone could still think the WTS is capable of mainstream reform.
Everything they've been doing is window-dressing.
If the sisters were appointed as servants this would only be a returning to a previously held view:
*** w50 4/15 p. 122 par. 9 Divine Requirements Resting on Servants ***
Paul next points out to Timothy that assistant servants must meet the same high standard in spirituality and conduct. “So, too, Assistant-Officers [Greek: di·áko·nos, attendants; hence servants among the flock of God] should be serious and straightforward men, not given to taking much drink or to questionable money-making, but men who hold the deeper truths of the Faith and have a clear conscience. They should be tested first, and only appointed to their Office if no objection is raised against them. It should be the same with the women. They should be serious, and not gossips, sober, and trustworthy in all respects. [Phebe, being such a woman, was appointed as a servant in the congregation of Cen ′ chre·ae.]
Let's keep this post above the belt, eh
Quarterback ...
We would all keep the post "above the belt" if the Society did not enforce the "No Penis - No Privledge" rule.
They are the ones "under the belt"
Rub a Dub
At the church I attend, there are male and female deacons, as well as male and female elders. No big deal. Of course, elders in a mainstream church are not like Watchtower elders who are in essence the judge, jury, and executioner in a religious police state.
Sometimes when serving as deacon, it’s no big prestige thing either, as little girls are serving at the same time. It’s a lesson in humility and ridding myself of Watchtower thinking which is all about the prestige of position, even though it is admittedly denied.
Sometimes when it is time to talk about “joys and concerns”, a microphone is passed, but that task is usually reserved for kids. However, I have to admit sometimes having latent Watchtower thinking and being envious and wondering what I have to do to “earn microphone privileges”.
Londo111 - "...elders... are in essence the judge, jury, and executioner in a religious police state."
I'd never quite though of it that way before, but yeah; that's a really good analogy.
Londo111 - "Sometimes when it is time to talk about 'joys and concerns', a microphone is passed, but that task is usually reserved for kids. However, I have to admit sometimes having latent Watchtower thinking and being envious and wondering what I have to do to 'earn microphone privileges'."
No worries; you can take the boy out of the WT, but it's a lot harder to take the WT out of the boy.
Women will probably never be allowed to become ministerial servants but they definitely WILL be allowed to lead the congregation in doing "The HUSTLE"!!