There's been a buzz on this forum - on and off but currently on - that there has not been an article in any Watchtower publication on the blood ban for a while - which feeds speculation that the organization is distancing itself from this doctrinal absurdity. Does that mean there's been nothing mentioned about the blood doctrine for months or years? Specifically, when did the Watchtower last mention the blood ban? When did the Awake do so? Does have any articles on the blood ban? Thanks for any answers - especially with citations.
by steve2 28 Replies latest watchtower medical
Don't forget the KM: Have you checked on ?
*** km 1/12 p. 3 Are You Prepared for a Medical Emergency? ***
A medical emergency can occur suddenly and without warning. (Jas. 4:14) Therefore, one who is shrewd will prepare as much as possible. (Prov. 22:3) Have you decided what medical treatments and procedures you will accept, and have you put your decision in writing? To help you, the video Transfusion-Alternative Health Care—Meeting Patient Needs and Rights, the second presentation on the DVD entitled Transfusion-Alternatives—Documentary Series, has been produced. As you watch it, see if you can answer the following questions. Because the video includes brief surgical scenes, parents should use discretion in viewing it with young children.
(1) Why are some in the medical community reevaluating the use of blood transfusions? (2) Give three examples of complex surgeries that have been performed without blood transfusions. (3) Why are thousands of physicians and surgeons worldwide willing to treat patients without blood transfusions? (4) What have recent hospital studies revealed about blood use? (5) What are the medical risks associated with blood transfusions? (6) What have many experts concluded regarding the benefits of transfusion alternatives? (7) What causes anemia, and what can be done to compensate for it? (8) How can red-cell production be stimulated in a patient’s body? (9) What techniques are being used to minimize blood loss during surgery? (10) Can transfusion alternatives work for young children or for people involved in life-threatening emergencies? (11) What is one of the primary ethical principles of good medical care?
Since acceptance of some of the treatments featured in the video is a matter of conscience, do not wait until you are faced with an emergency to consider what you will or will not accept. Chapter 7 of the “God’s Love” book and the cited references as well as the insert in the November 2006 issue of Our Kingdom Ministry will help you make informed decisions. Then, if you are baptized, indicate your choices on the DPA card, and carry the card with you at all times.
[Blurb on page 3]
Have you decided what medical treatments and procedures you will accept and put this in writing?
I was told at one time the WTS was changing the position on use of autologus transfusions and, in fact, the annual Blood Card was shipped to Congs stating that this was allowable, but before they were distributed at the Service Meeting, "Mother" made a reverse decision on the policy change and had the shipment of Cards destroyed or returned and the Ser Mtg part was delayed.
Is this true? When was this? Does there happen to be any of these Cards floating around?
Thank you Marvin!!
Wouldn't you love to have been a fly on the wall when that shitstorm was happening!
It seems incredible to believe that they'd make any significant change here.
But in other areas they have followed a similar tack - virtually mentioning nothing at all about the topic for years, and then dropping in the new doctrine via a "questions from readers".
So, not saying they would change it, but they appear to have laid their groundwork as if they were going to do so.
I always think of 1 Corinthians 4:6 when the blood transfusion thing rears up.
Missed you Marvin. Always enjoyed your posts and blog.
Barb Anderson is of the opinion (and I agree with her) that they are trying to quietly phase it out without looking like they're phasing it out, and there is some anecdotal evidence to support this.
I suspect that it is still "officially" kept, in part, because the medical and XJW community - by discussing it as much as they do - keep the "blood ban" a regular issue...
...and the WTS would rather gargle with broken glass than appear as though they're capitulating to their critics and opponents.
Thanks Blondie - you da woman. I had not thought of the Kingdom Ministry. That excerpt is from 2012. It looks like there's been nothing (?) in the "sister" magazines, The Watchtower and Awake! for some years. But it would be helpful to know exactly when the last articles appeared. I'll check out to see what it features on the blood ban. Thnaks everyone!
I agree that when your " enemy" calls yout out on a crazy teaching it's harder to relinquish it - not a good look ditching a doctrine that has cost untold lives and your ex-members openly deplore.