That is truly one of the most disgusting and disturbing things that organization has ever done.
by rory-ks 29 Replies latest jw friends
That is truly one of the most disgusting and disturbing things that organization has ever done.
This makes me so angry! How they can use people's emotions to manipulate them is so disgusting.
My JW aunt died around 2000 with a belief that she will be resurrected shortly. Earthly resurrection is one the biggest nonsense many Christian faiths in consideration of finite space and resources on this planet.
Emotional manipulation, survival after death in some place in some form. Any religion can play that card. Muslems are ready to blow themselves up with the belief that they will immediately go to heaven as martyrs. And most religions have much more appealing ideas of what the afterlife will be like.
For decades, the critisism has been that there are no emotions, that it is a cold, business-like wooden religion.
Now, suddenly, the critisism is that there ARE emotions, but of course - now, emotions are manipulation, nonsense, evidence of no substance, no reality.
This way or that way - it does not matter, it is all wrong, no matter.
TheOldHippie, indifference, fear, apathy are emotions; so are excitments for on earthly resurrection that will never come.
The IC talks - at least the ones I listened to - remained wooden, insincere-sounding and soporific - even accounting for adapting their delivery to minimize speaker system echo.
The only genuine emotions shown were in the youtubes of IC delegates partying in the KH!
On the other hand, the emotions shown in the 'resurrection' video are acted/artificial and are designed to manipulate an emotive response from the audience - subtext: 'You really miss your deceased loved ones, don't you? Look at all your tears. Stick it out with us; don't think about leaving us; and you will see your loved ones again very, very soon.' The collective emotional effect is maxed out when being among several thousands who also miss their dead relatives and friends.
Even being aware of what the game was and being on my own when I watched, the 'resurrection' video pressed all my buttons and I cried too. I was mad with them for reaching into my soul and making me relive the acute grief that time had dulled. I think it's a cynical stunt to pull, especially in an auditorium containing many similarly bereaved people.
It looks like I killed this thread as well the other one!
1. Well made video. I felt a little emotional watching it at the IC
2. Total propaganda.
it is total propaganda, no doubt, but it was well done, I have to admit.
Even though I´m more on the rational side of issues, and I do not believe in a resurrection how JW advertise it, still the video was quit touching to me.