For over thirty years I observed among JWs the phenomenon of CO worship/idolatry. I, myself, was somewhat guilty of it even though I rather quickly caught on and detected something wrong.
Think about the week of the CO visit. During that week most attention is given to and most thought is about the CO. The supposed Sovereign of the Universe takes a backseat. Nobody thinks about him; everybody thinks about how he or she can impress, please, satisfy, cater to, etc. the CO. During the weekdays it’s all about him; all attention is on him. Nobody gives a passing thought to Jah.
The CO should really be just a tool or aid in the worship of the Sovereign, but instead, he becomes the focus. Instead of his being an aid in focusing attention on Jah, he becomes the center of attention. So, he is an idol.
It's sort of like what happened with the Mosaic Law. It was supposed to be an aid or tool in the worship of God, however, by the time of the Pharisees, it became almost the focus of worship - the center of attention. Their was so much emphasis placed on the Law that many missed the point of it. It, in effect, became an idol.
Not only do JWs worship COs; they worship Bethelites, Bethel itself, and, of course, their main idol, the GB.
Another problem with the CO visit is that it was always the most inefficent week or two of the year. Field service was largely a waste. We only got a few minutes of actual service in. We didn’t really get started until about 10:00am. And when we did get started, the CO did the pioneer shuffle – walking extremely slowly and talking between doors. Then after maybe slowly working one side of a short street, it was time to head off for a break. Then after the long break at McDonald’s or wherever, it was back to the field for one or two dud return visits, and then it was time to quit at 11:30 so the CO could meet back at the hall for lunch at noon. Afternoon service was a waste, too. Once, a few years ago, a young brother (twenty-something) said something like “man, I don’t get any field service time when the CO’s here.”