What is Truth?

by objectivetruth 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    When I was a JW I always used to cringe at the way that question from Pilate, "What is Truth?" was derided and laughed at by JW's.

    I always thought it a very difficult Philosophical question to answer. I still struggle with both the concept and with a decent definition, Punky's above is pretty close, I fear.

    I rather wish we could be categorical and certain about what is Truth. (JW upbringing I guess).

    The one thing I am pleased about is that since leaving the JW.Org Scam, I have honed my critical thinking skills so that most times I can spot Untruth.

    Hence I call the JW religion "The Tower of Lies".

  • bohm

    The best formal analysis of truth was discovered by Tarski in his semantic theory of truth. If a person ask me to give an exact statement of what "truth" is that would be my reply. Tarskis theory however does not cover truth as it is usually intended ("it is true the earth revolve around the sun").

    As regard the later use of the word, to say a statement is true would in my oppinion mean it corresponds to reality in an objective sense. Philosophers, especially philosophers of religion or those without formal training, often go on to claim this definition preclude us from knowing what is true because we cannot "know" what correspond to reality in an objective sense and so e.g. science is a philosophical naive enterprise (some schools of postmodernism), or a naive enterprise without plugging in God somewhere (how God patch the problems is typically explained by exclaiming God can do everything or some such).

    This is a confusion which arise because what we can have is confidence a proposition is true without knowing if it were true or not (indeed, if we knew, we would have either complete confidence in the statement or it's negation) and science operate on our confidence of statements. To say "X is true" then mean we are very confident X corresponds to reality; the confidence being at such a degree that in order to doubt the statement we should need to doubt just about everything else we know.

  • stuckinarut2

    Truth according to who?

  • prologos

    Truth? the most accurate description of reality available. example:

    from bohm 5557: The staement :"-- the earth revolves around the sun" is not an accurate description of reality. The revolving is not round; it is excentric, and the sun revolves around the earth too,-- in a tiny ~450 km orbit. both bodies revolve around the bari center. but:

    for all practical purposes just having a rough approximation of the absolute truth works just fine.

    It gets rough when our perception of reality or propaganda is the opposite of truth, namely error, lies.

  • bohm

    prologos: The staement :"-- the earth revolves around the sun" is not an accurate description of reality.

    well, i appreciate the nitpicking, but I don't want other posters to get my impression I actually stated this was the case.

  • Heaven

    9 women cannot have a baby in 1 month.

  • prologos

    bohm, fair enough, it may sound like nit picking, but I wanted to show my belief that there is deeper and deeper layers of truth. The real movement of the heavenly bodies is even more complicated, precise than that. They all interact, simultaneously. the "balls" question for all.

    if the truth would be known.


    Truth is whatever is true/factual, regardless of whether or not it has been proven. For instance, the Earth is an oblate spheroid. That has always been true, even before it was proven. So it's important to remember that even though something isn't proven by scientific means....yet, it may still be true.

    Of course, batshit crazy cults said that the Earth was flat, or on a giant turtle. So, the problem with the GB is that they claim their ideas are "truth." They don't care what is actually true and they persecute all who disagree. Just pause and think about the insanity of that behavior.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Whatever "truth" is, I'm not really worried about it.

  • prologos

    yeah, truth really does not really need us ---

    to exist. or?

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