Nassau sucks as a DC venue. So did the Met-Life Stadium from what I was told.
is it just me?? the district convention at nassau coliseum was crazy
by dugout 42 Replies latest jw friends
Even the Islanders have ditched that s$%thole!
I think a lot of the problem has to do with how they're using the venue. Most stadiums are designed for use by people in good health, and they're designed for people to arrive, get to their designated seats, sit, then leave. At a convention you have probably 10-20% of the people in wheelchairs, morbidly obese or otherwise impared, and you have thousands of people milling around before, during and after each session. Everyone has to find a seat since there's no way to reserve a seat, so everyone heads for the best seats first, even when the best seats are already full. So now you've got (in the case of the ICs) 50000 people who all head to the same group of about 10000 seats first, then upon seeing that they're full they go search somewhere else (and often find that those are full too, and have to go another level up). This creates a TON of unneccessary foot traffic (since people can't just go straight to their eventual destination) which just makes the whole process exponentially worse. The stadiums aren't designed for it.
And all the same, they'll claim that their being able to get 50000 people into a stadium that has frequently held 100k+ people is somehow proof of divine guidance. We can fill a stadium to 50% capacity, and only 10% of the people attending had anxiety attacks! Truely we are blessed by god! No other organization on earth today could achieve such wonders!
Number two- I heard from eyewitnessess that their were actual fist fights at the gates for seats. Nooo not just pushing and shoving but fist fights?????
Not sure if this is true, but truly hope that it is and that someone was smart enough to capture this on their phones. It would be one of the most amazing JW videos ever. Imagine, two JWs cursing and punching at each other in suits and ties.
Some of the biggest disasters at big venues were at least partially attributed to a failure to assign seating.
Wish my mother was still alive to experience all that mayhem at Nassau Coliserum because that's just where here she would've been attending,
I just here her " oh what a lovely peogram, food at the proper time" and all that nauseating stuff.
Dugout, I'm sending you a PM
Trouble in spiritual paradise?
Somehow this experience isn't going to end up in the publications...
Houston International was expecting over 45k but it didn't get to that, I think the highest was 43k. The stadium could hold over 71k though.
OneEyedJoe wrote:
So now you've got . . . 50000 people who all head to the same group of about 10000 seats first, then upon seeing that they're full they go search somewhere else . . . This creates a TON of unneccessary foot traffic (since people can't just go straight to their eventual destination) which just makes the whole process exponentially worse.
I remember when we used to go to Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia. Each year we KNEW exactly what you described was going to happen, so my brother and I found this set of three escalators that we took two steps at a time. We could make it to the 600 level concourse in like 3min and nobody was even remotely there. But this was only possible because we used the same large venue year after year and we could find shortcuts. I think things will get better only if the same large facilities are used over and over so that people can get into patterns of self-assigned seating.
I heard from eyewitnessess that their were actual fist fights at the gates for seats.
@ Londo: Somehow this experience isn't going to end up in the publications...
Watchtower, January 1, 2015, life story article:
Keep On Seeking the Kingdom and an Assembly Seat First - as told by Jon A.Torial
"Nothing will deter me from dining at Jehovah's table. After quitting my job to attend the assembly at Naussau, I arrived 4 hours early to be the first in line when the doors opened promptly at 7 am. My love for Jehovah and his provisions are the most important thing in my life. Right before the doors opened, Br. Richard Cranium cut in front of me. Ardor immediately came up into my nose, and righteous indignation rose up, and despite this man being my spiritual brother, he was presumptuously running ahead of me.
I dropped my book bag holding the most recent Watchtower study articles entitled, "Serving Jehovah in the Most Loving Organization On Earth" and "Brotherly Love- a hallmark of true Christianity", and I cold cocked Br. Dick with a vicious left jab followed by a crushing right uppercut, which caught him squarely under the chin. I went low considering Br. Dick was in a wheelchair at the time. Br. Dick exploded from his chair (I knew he was faking his disability in order to Pioneer while on government disability assistance), and he lunged for my throat. I stopped Br. Dick while in mid-air with a crushing roundhouse kick followed by a chokehold. Br. Dick was unconscious within 10 seconds, or as I like to view it, "spiritually drowsy". While two attendants were reviving him, I rushed the line of my brothers, knocked an older sister out of my way, trampled an infant in a stroller, and got the best seat in the auditorium. I know Jehovah appreciates my dedication and focus and that nothing will stop me from gaining knowledge about the peaceful Paradise Earth to come, where all of our brothers will live in peace and harmony."