I was talking about JW Fight Klub. Different organization than JW Fight Club.
is it just me?? the district convention at nassau coliseum was crazy
by dugout 42 Replies latest jw friends
I also felt like they were booking more JWs to a venue this year. As has been noted, even filling a stadium to 50% or 75% can make for crowded hallways and difficulty finding seating (think of how many of us take up extra seats for our stuff).
If they are intentionally assigning more congregations to one venue, it's probably sporadic, since some places had plenty of free space. Perhaps there is more "mobility" for some reason than in past, where JWs are assigning themselves to different times and places that work better for them.
Fitting coverage, ADCMS.
As you'd know, ADCMS, parody is often closer to the truth that it first appears. The laughs arise because we recognize the Witness mentality at everyday work. When push comes to shove, human "nature" prevails - especially among those who wear an air of entitlement.
A wonderfully hard-hitting send-up of the brothers and sisters sterling organization-minded qualities. An opening-day sale at Macy's could not have done better. Imagine an eternity of living in the company of such people!
Of course the top Bethel Speakers will be seated in the Box seats, enjoying A/C
Yep. I think this last convention was a small step for my wife towards opening her eyes. We were talking about some of the stupid decisions that were made that made things 10x worse for everyone (unnecessarily, I might add) and she actually said, "well the problem is the people that make those decisions are sitting in a comfy office at the ground level, so they don't have to deal with any of it"
Baby steps, but I'll take it.
OEJ, I'm just not clear what sort of decisions you mean. Decisions of the Society's?
yes shirley in Queens mother started studying when i was 6yrs. I will call that born in i guess. made my own choice at 15 (yea right) something funny, i really never felt I was indoctrinated. even as a child and adolesant I've never really fully believed this stuff. I've never studied hard (only as an elder). Always had worldly friends. Always DRANKED AND $$%%%ED ( IN PRIVATE ON THE DL) OFCOURSE ) THINK IM TALKING TO MUCH? FEELS GOOD
No, don't think you're talking to much at all, that's what this place is here for.
Btw, your post is quite interesting though, just curious about another question since you were raised in Queens also, I'll send that one via PM also.
Apognophos - sorry, that was ambiguous...the "decisions" were ones made by whoever was planning the convention. Things like elevators being for use by people in wheelchairs only, certain sections blocked off for no discernable reason, refusal to pay for the extra parking and to pay for roads to be closed (like they do for sporting events) so that people could get there on time.
On that last one, some friends (stupid enough to follow the directions to take the 'reccomended travel route') were stuck in traffic for 2-3 hours just a couple miles from the convention and missed almost all of the morning session all 3 days.