We were taught for 100 years that the END or Armageddon is IMMINENT, as if it is coming in a hurry. But look now at the new way of sharing God's Kingdom in UK which I find as a complete irony. *
"Thousands have switched tactics to stand on street corners in more than a dozen cities across Britain - and unusually for public preachers, they are staying almost completely silent... Unl ike other evangelical preachers, they do not shout or call attention to themselves - instead standing in near-silence until someone approaches them."
1) If we are preaching with a sense of urgency - a matter of life and death - then why do it in silence, why be passive at this stage in history? Should it not be the reverse?
2) As the big day draws near, would it not be more logical to up the speed in reaching out to people for them to ACT without delay instead of standing in silence near a display stand of religious literature?
3) Would this approach send a CONFUSING signal to the rest of JW community as well as to those to whom they have preached?
Your thoughts and comments appreciated. :)
* reports point to other parts of Asia, including the Philippines.