I was studying with an elder and when he tried to explain to the 1914 prophecy and I was like
So failed prophecy actually means “ a marked year “.
The dream in Daniel 4 about the tree and the seven times of Nebuchadnezzar madness is actually a prophecy about the end times ??? How ??
In the book of Luke of Jerusalem actually means “ Heaven “ ??
Gentile times actually means “ Satanic worldy rule “.
And the generation that won’t pass away now means two life times in a row ?
Where is the day for a year rule in the bible ?
And you just noticed all this after the event you said that would happen didn’t happen??
Why doesn’t anyone else claim 607 is the fall of Jerusalem ??
Really ??
I don’t know if anything I said got though. I like to think I showed him anyone with a little imagination could right this crap if up actually meant down and 2 plus 2 actually was equal to 7 , so on and so on.