YOUNG EARTH CREATIONISTS (like Dr. John Morris) are taken to task in an article producing the following statistics:
LET'S BEGIN with today's population of the EARTH (estimated) 6,623,924,220. Call it 6 billion.
Now, let's go back to Noah and his family after the flood. Call it 8 persons.
Our task is to get from 8 people to 6 billion.
Using simple math we can compute the minimum rate at which humans would need to reproduce to reach our goal.
The figure is 2.432 children (average) for each male/female pairing.
That isn't too far-fetched, is it? Of course not!
But--let's take the baby steps necessary to get from 8 people to our goal of 6 billion.
WHY? You might be very surprised!
Let's give Noah and his family plenty of head start and take the oldest presumed time of THE FLOOD: 2500 B.C.E.
By the time of the Tower of Babel there would be 10 people around to have their languages confused! (20% increase)
By the time we get to ABRAM and his 318 servants we are in trouble! Why? The world population is only 31 people!
That's 10 times more servants than the world population!
By the time we get to the EXODUS from Egypt the population of the world should have been 874 people.
Moses tells us 600,000 along with a "mixed multitude."
Jump forward to David and his census which yields a figure of 1 1/2 million men.
The world population at that time should have only produced 6 thousand 178 persons!
Does this make sense?
What if the rate at which children were born is increased to the average of today? The average is 2.9.
Where would that get us?
We'd end up with a world population of: 334,190,590,114,412,000 people.
6 billion people crammed into every square mile of Earth!
I simply copied all the above from this website:
Visit and see what you think.
If the figures pan out, it is pretty embarrassing for Young Earth Creationists.
Check it out and test the math for yourself: