One thing I can see with this discussion is that most of us still have the same circular reasoning that we developed as witnesses. Most people are unable to open their minds to thinking for themselves. Read Lanzas book and view his research and that of others. Take a And then come back and make your assertions against his work. And open your mind to other things as possiblity and not just discrediting it. Stuck In
Does consciousness end with the death of the body
by givemejustalittlemoretime 129 Replies latest watchtower bible
im stuck in
Viviane to say atoms are invisable is not entirely true. Why? an atom is smaller than a single wavelength of visable light. You can't see it with the naked eye , dosent mean it isnt there or visable. I think much in the same way that we see the sky as blue because that is the wavelenghth that the human eye sees the most of.
" Does consciousness end with the death of the body ? " Who knows ? Nobody really knows until they die . We all shall find out - won't we ?
The Carvakas you mentioned in your thread MAY be correct- everything about us MAY die at death so yes I agree with them from the angle of taking " pleasure in this life while we have it and practice compassion towards others . "
Then again they may be wrong, because after WE die we may find out that we live on in spirit possibly. Bottom line is WE JUST DO NOT KNOW. And many people have a problem with not knowing. They want answers for EVERYTHING in life, and life just does NOT work that way. So NONE of us will really know until we die. That's my answer and I'm stickling to it
"One thing I can see with this discussion is that most of us still have the same circular reasoning that we developed as witnesses. Most people are unable to open their minds to thinking for themselves. Read Lanzas book and view his research and that of others. Take a And then come back and make your assertions against his work. And open your mind to other things as possiblity and not just discrediting it." - im stuck in
We should have no personal stake in any of the beliefs we hold, but simply in the rational assurance that whatever beliefs we do hold are indeed correspondent with reality.
The problem is that some might think (and/or are trying to convince others) that Lanza's paper is dealing with a "supernatural" event. Believers tent to flee to this pint of nothingness whenever science stomp on their believes. But claiming the supernatural is an non argument.
If a believer could proof that the criticism to Lanza's is incorrect and the analysis against his work is unsound, they will be perfectly happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with science, mathematics or physics to back that "supernatural" event up. And on that bases they will say that I am wrong. Some tried to "hammer" science and believes systems together. Some used "Special Pleading" to justify their believes. It's when everything fails that believers realize that science and religion don't mix.
"I think much in the same way that we see the sky as blue because that is the wavelenghth that the human eye sees the most of." - im stuck in
Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time, not because is the wavelength that the human eye sees the most of.
Sorry for being a prick,
im stuck in
MADS Giant Sorry for being a prick.? I think more asshole better explains you. Read the damm book, it is not a paper as you state ! Also Lanza is a very intelligent man not just one with a theory but as well an MD and surgeon and graduated from M I T.
I stand by my original statement. Most of you can not get rid of the JW thinking process. Witnesses in disguise!!!!!! Open your mind to the possibility of other things than those you have been told. The points I mention are mine and I do not give a rap what any of you think. Some day all truths will be exposed just as the lies of the Watchtower are being exposed now.
Do not even bother to answer again. I will not reply or read any more comments on this subject. stuck in
Why not just answer the question with "yes" and move on with life and then later, when you die, if the answer is "no," it will be like.... SURPRISE!
And you would have learned something new.
Well, beside the rant, personal attack and logical fallacies, nothing new was brought to the argument.
We should have no personal stake in any of the beliefs we hold, but simply in the rational assurance that whatever beliefs we do hold are indeed correspondent with reality.
The problem is that some might think (and/or are trying to convince others) that Lanza's paper is dealing with a "supernatural" event. Believers tent to flee to this pint of nothingness whenever science stomp on their believes. But claiming the supernatural is an non argument.
If a believer could proof that the criticism to Lanza's is incorrect and the analysis against his work is unsound, they will be perfectly happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with science, mathematics or physics to back that "supernatural" event up. And on that bases they will say that I am wrong. Some tried to "hammer" science and believes systems together. Some used "Special Pleading" to justify their believes. It's when everything fails that believers realize that science and religion don't mix.
"Read the damm book, it is not a paper as you state !" - im stuck in
You are right, it is a In 2007, Lanza wrote an article titled "A New Theory of the Universe", the paper appeared in The American Scholar, this was base work for the book Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the Universe in 2009.
"Also Lanza is a very intelligent man not just one with a theory but as well an MD and surgeon and graduated from M I T." - im stuck in
Although I am not questioning Lanza's reputation as an MD or researcher, this argument is a fallacy.
"The points I mention are mine and I do not give a rap what any of you think." - im stuck in
The only way to keep people from analyzing or questioning your opinions is to keep them to yourself.
Read Lanzas book and view his research and that of others. Take a And then come back and make your assertions against his work.
That's been done, had you read the thread. You don't get a pass just by playing the "thinking like JWs" card.
Viviane to say atoms are invisable is not entirely true. Why? an atom is smaller than a single wavelength of visable light. You can't see it with the naked eye , dosent mean it isnt there or visable.
You stunningly managed to miss the point. So, can you see an atom with your naked eye? Can you see an electron cloud with your naked eye? No? Please explain to me how that's not "invisible". Also, no one ever said they weren't there. Terrible strawman.
MADS Giant Sorry for being a prick.? I think more asshole better explains you. Read the damm book, it is not a paper as you state ! Also Lanza is a very intelligent man not just one with a theory but as well an MD and surgeon and graduated from M I T.
You were wrong. Calling other people names doesn't change that. Lanza has a hypothesis with no evidence. It's been evaluated and found lacking.
I stand by my original statement. Most of you can not get rid of the JW thinking process. Witnesses in disguise!!!!!! Open your mind to the possibility of other things than those you have been told.
All you've done is remove evidence and critical thinking as criteria for evaluating ideas. You've put every single conceivable idea and concept on equal footing. It's lazy and inadequate thinking. It's got nothing to do with being a JW.