Oh wow....
The public talk today is certainly embarrassing for witnesses!
Started (completely left field too...seemed to come out of nowhere) with condemning homosexuality, and anyone who even tolerates it. If you like tv shows or movies with gay characters, you are "just as bad" (eg modern family tv show)
Used the comparison of the way that a violent person can change their violent ways using biblical principles, so too can a "homosexual" person change their ways using biblical principles...
Now I'm not personally gay, but since learning TTATT, I feel so embarrassed hearing such stuff spewed from the platform!
Used the "account" of sodom and Lot, to show how god feels about "homosexual" people... ( Although he failed to speak about INCEST being OK if we all follow righteous Lots example )
Amazing how a charismatic speaker can woo a crowd! All these heads nodding away feverishly around me!