The whole "homosexuality is evil" thing is absolutely absurd, and using Sodom and Gomorrah to prove it is even worse. If you look at the historical context of the actions of the men in those cities, you realize that they were NOT homosexuals and their intent was NOT sexual gratification, but rather an act to exert power over the new guys in town by humiliating them and causing them to submit to the men of the city.
If those men were homosexuals, why would Lot even bother to offer his virgin daughters (which, in and of itself, is a totally disgusting act by a supposed "man of God.) Also, since there were children and women there, how could the entire city be filled with homosexuals?
Likewise, the scriptures that refer to men lying with men, as seen in a historical context, refer to heterosexual men engaging in same-sex relations with temple prostitutes while engaging in pagan worship. For that matter, even today in the Middle East, pederasty is engaged in and is accepted. Since rules are so strict concerning male/female relationships, men often utilize young boys to fulfill their sexual urges before marriage.
Homosexuality is a normal thing and is seen throughout the entire animal kingdom, as well as in humans. People do not "choose" to be gay any more than they "choose" to be straight.