
by doneandout 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • doneandout

    Our last midweek meeting was going along as planed, then after the last talk, an elder was called up to say: member x is no longer a jw, please sing...

    After the song it was silent (compared to todays were people started talk right away) and the father had his head down with someones hand on his back. I didn't catch what they were saying, but the pose said: I'm sorry for your loss.

    It was a weird night thinking how leaving a religion could couse such sadnness.


  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    I will never forget this answer an elder gave from his seat. "so you get disfellowshipped....who do you have? You lost your family all your friends, well maybe you have some friends but they are worldly and what good are they? You have nobody."

    translation: "kill yourself"

    my family got up and walked out we were so offended.

  • sparrowdown

    The announcement may as well be

    "We would like to announce that from this date, so&so is dead to us"

  • AudeSapere

    The longer I'm out, the more cold and heartless this sounds.

    It should be criminal.


  • Phizzy

    It is certianly not Christian, ask any Christian.

    In reality of course, DF = LIFE !.

    Real life in the real world , where nearly all people are lovely, where you can think freely for yourself, and above all, where you can really LIVE !

  • LouBelle

    It is sad that a man made religion could do this to a family. To have that kind of a hold over minds is a dangerous thing. It is sad that our family members cannot or will not look outside their religion box and search for answers or study their own relgion.

    I'm glad I got DFed though - no lose ends - done / dusted / out!

  • OneEyedJoe

    Yep, I'll never forget the way a father acted when I asked about his Son (who'd recently had some severe medical problems). He first acted surprised that I asked about him, then realized the reason was due to his recent illness. He said "Oh, he's fine now...but he's not doing anything about the Truth!"

    His son wasn't even DF'd, but it was as if he was dead to him. It was shocking to me at the time, and was one of the many small pushes that led me to finally find TTATT.

  • blondie

    The WTS says that things that jws can be df'd for are the same as those jews were executed for. They have reasoned that is why members should not talk to df'd because they are talking to dead people.


  • DesirousOfChange

    At a recent wedding reception we ran into several oldtime JW friends. When we asked how their children were doing,........... without exception they responded as to whether they were "in The Truth(TM)" or not. Nothing about their physical well-being. So, I would correct, saying.......No....Where are they living?? Any kids? etc etc

    It's sad that they can't see beyond the "cult" thinking.


  • ducatijoe

    I remember when I was anounced... I spent that night wandering around in a Walmart just so I would not blow my brains out!

    After being reinstated 18 months later , I looked at it all differant.

    I now have left on my own... What a wonderful freedom!

    No more FEAR!

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