The Truth About The Truth goes way way way back before Watchtower?

by Island Man 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    As for the Revelation,

    I think that John took some bad peyote.


  • Vidiot

    Or really, really good peyote.

    I can't quite decide.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    Good point!


  • Crazyguy

    What I found interesting is the bible was first put together with only about 20 books then more were added and some taken out. This continued for several hundred years and each set of priests had a go at it. Even after the protestant reformation, the protestants changed the bible again, so how can anyone really think its inspired when one knows this?

  • daringhart13

    No, no, no, NO!

    The Book of Revelation is about a 19th - 21st publishing company located in Brooklyn, NY. Within the walls of this publishing company are handful of people that are going to heaven and have direct communication with God.

    God made sure that this inspired book was part of the Bible canon so future generations could discern things like only 144,000 could have a special relationship with him, they would be those carrying Watchtower magazines.

    Picka a chapter.......any chapter....... it's SO obvious!!!

  • lriddle80

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