Because they are friggin Watchtarded cult members???
by Kudra 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Because they are friggin Watchtarded cult members???
Why do you put the month before the date over in our former colony?
It's Date:Month:Year
Coming from people that drive on the wrong side of the road!
my husbands mom sent him this in an email on June 28 - but this link doesn't work.
: Fw: International Convention of JW's Channel 12 TV Interview
This is a very reasonable interview, thought it might be helpful for interested persons? Subject: Fw: International Convention of JW's Channel 12 TV Interview
Nice TV interview from New Jersey, USA
International Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses Channel 12 Interview
Let the memes begin!
Ha ha ha ha! "The world will know that we have a website"
It really needs to be accompanied by the 2001 A Space Odyssey theme song.
Someone should make a jwfacts one!
lol @ skinnedsheep. This is good though. As soon as cults get all apocalyptic it means they'll inevitably fall on their faces later.