Why do JWs have this* on their FB pages now?

by Kudra 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bigmac

    i just realised---yes--it was the 1st of august yesterday----my daughters 43rd birthday. which means she has shunned me for 30 years now.........

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Kudra and Aude:

    Oh, and the two dots for the "ellipsis" annoys me.

    Saw another FB "advertisement," but very poorly done. It shows a hand holding a tablet (is that the correct term?), the new logo, and JW-type imagery.

    The word Lifes should be Life's.


  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Based on the initial offering...


  • Londo111

    "Today, anyone with an Internet connection can become a desktop professor, pretending to be in the know, without even revealing his name."

    That describes JW.ORG to a tee.

  • flipper

    Absolutely ridiculous. " The world will know.. that we are just another mind control freaking cult. " Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Xanthippe

    Alpha man LOL! Love your Borg cube tower.

    I think they are promoting this website to say the paradise is just around the corner because our JW.Org will reach the rest of the world that we haven't preached to yet. Surely Jehovah could have waited for the internet? Couldn't he see the future. All those pioneers wasting their lives, me included. Why did He command we start the preaching work over a hundred years too early, before the world wide web? Unless of course it's just a man-made religion?

  • Pistoff

    8.1.2014....The world will NOT notice that the WT has discovered the internet!

    And built a website!!


    They can (pay someone have their free volunteers) build a website!!

    How awesome!!

    JEHOVAH is truly BLESSING them!!


    Why is it that JW apologists have the worst grammar? Is there a section of the human brain, responsible for communication, that is shorted out by religious experience? Is this where the gibberish of speaking in tongues originates? It makes you wonder....

    Btw, I have great idea for a meme, but I can't post pics with my phone. Maybe someone can make it? Since JWs are spouting gibberish about their idol, JW.ORG, let's make a meme with the monkeys from 2001. The monolith they worship can have JW.ORG etched into it. Any takers??

    Created with Photo Editor-


    OMG!! The one I made is so awesome, but I cannot post it! Here is the pic. Just crop it and run JW.ORG vertically on the monolith.


  • vangogh

    maybe thats the date that they all have to have thier 'go bags' packed and ready for so they can head for the hills................then the world will know.

    Then when 08.02.14 comes and goes, they will say, 'oh well you all took it the wrong way and you were expecting too much' and 'one of the other GB said something on his own and it was'nt said in unison with the rest of us'.................

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