HOWEVER, if you still SEE the Bible as truly inspired of God- then us JWs- faults, pretenders, and all- rewally are the only ones teaching what it REALLY teaches...even thoi a lot of oipinion is mixed in....and we are simply TRYING to live up to it.
For those of you that LEFT.....
by DocHouse 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
no. i understood it better
zed is dead
The only truth that I learned from the organization is this: Religion is a snare and a racket!
The Watchtower taught me very well to hate all other religions. Then they taught me to hate them too.
This is my tigersuit
ditto what zed said
Sorry DocHouse. I can't work out if your last post is simply the standard JW bollocks I am used to getting.
Band on the Run
I have faith for the first time. Hard questions exist. There is no need to listen to fools. No man can subjugate me. Since college, I can discuss my belief and lack of such with members of different religions or no religion. It is my conscious choose. No one is going to beat me or not talk to me because I am not compliant.
So, you studied the bible and meditated and concluded it was believable? How do you explain the Noahs Ark myth? How did Noah put all the millions of species in even a large boat, and why doesn't DNA back up the idea that all animals came from a few mated pairs only a few thousand years ago? After our loving God killed thousands of innocent children, how did the kangaroos get back to Australia? How much water would be needed to cover mount Everest? Then where did that water go? How would ocean fish survive a massive infusion of fresh water?
- I don't know about you, but no amount of meditation could possibly explain the massive discrepancies of that tall tale. If you just consider the DNA evidence you will have disproved the genesis account a thousand times over. DNA is concrete prove that the genesis account couldn't have happened as presented in the bible.
Is this the same doc house from facebook?
And, unless you take a closer look at the speels evolutionary scientists give as they preach Evolution- it can seem VERY real when it is only modewrn Fairy Tale.
...and you've studied in depth evolutionary biology ?
Possibly the same school or college you learned to spell ?
Having faith in past human ignorance contained in ancient manuscripts such as the Bible and being propagated today by disingenuous power seeking men
who are equally ignorant is never going to be advantageous toward humanity.
Thats the kind of faith no one should adhere to.