Think –believe – proof and understand = fact? Truth?
There is no such reason chain. Facts alter all the time. And if you are not gods, you never know what the next truth will be. But it is very dangerous to hang up your believe in other people’s ideas. They could be very seductive and easy to accept, like readymade pancakes. You never know what the ingredients are. Often readymade products are made to make you addicted. Like drugs, alcohol cigarettes they are only made to make you by more, offering more of your life.
But read the Bible from your own moral standpoint. Do you really want to serve a god that kills all his children. Do you want to serve a god that in his law suggest “stoning” as an appropriate punishment?
Do you want to serve a god that could ask you to kill your own son in order to proof your loyalty to him?
Reading the Bible just raises more questions in our heads then it answers our looking for the truth, fact.