In this week's Bible Highlights we read about the bizarre trial by ordeal that a woman had to undergo if she was under suspicion of adultery .In Number 5:24 we read about this strange "bitter water" that she had to drink resulting if guildy to a sponteneous degeneration of her reproductive organs ,please read the rest of the article here for more clarification ,maybe you can use it this week during the Bible Highlights at the meeting...
Bible Highlights(this week) : What is the bitter water that an adulteress had to drink in Numbers 5:24?
by raymond frantz 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
A jilted husband better find better means to get the facts straight.
interestingly there was no consequence for the husband for making her a spectacle if she was innocent or the stuff did not work. 5:31.
no wonder, for Jehovah is a JEALOUS male too.
Omg .......that smirk on his face says.............
he pissed in it! more denigration of the female...
forced to ride a camel with two bags of dung!!!!!!
i find drinking too much bitter causes my reproductive organ to degenerate.
Brewers Droop a Bigmac ?
Separation of Powers
Sounds like something out of the novel DUNE
Separation of Powers
The bitter water causes diarrhea.....So there.
Men of course, could cheat on their wife, as long as it was not with an engaged or married female. Prostitutes were fine, they didnt have an owner, so no property was defiled.
Women could not raise doubts about an unfaithful male....
Its all about money and property with these babble people.
Sounds like the 'day after' pill