Update to Rio Rancho, NM Kingdom Hall

by Newly Enlightened 43 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Brainfloss

    Click on the link then you can scan through the pictures of what the view was

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Regardless of how "LEGAL" it was for the Watchtower Real Estate Development Corporation to blatantly plop a structure directly in front of someone's house, it's still very much fucked up.

  • AlphaMan

    All that room to build and those disgusting JW cultists do this to the neighbor. This is just so wrong. Doubt anything can be done now except to just bring attention to how disgusting the Jehovah Witness religion really is. Those people will never be able to get full market value out of their house now. Who the hell would want to buy a house with a plain block wall of a KH blocking the view of the mountains. I doubt any JW's would even be interested in buying the property.

  • cultBgone

    I'm gonna go with this story:

    The jdubs probably did meet with the man, and probably lied to him due to their theory of theocratic warfare. Why?

    Well, no one in their right mind (meaning a non-jdub) would ever, ever, ever consider purchasing the plot of land next door once the hall was constructed. So the jdubs lie to the man, he goes ahead and builds his lovely home with a view, then the dubs build right in front of him and Voila! They can now purchase the property on the cheap for a CO to live in as the man and his wife will never be able to get decent market value for it.

    The lying, mean-spirited jdubs will call it a win for god the gb.

    The end.

  • Balaamsass2

    The poor guy should get even. Go to the quick print shop and get an 8' blue and white banner to hang off his gutters facing the hall: " JWFACTS.COM" .

  • Spectre

    Yeah... that's just a dick move.

  • AlphaMan

    I've been trying to figure out why a BOE would agree to build right up next to this man's house and block his view like they did. Building on that narrow part of land on the other end of the property would have opened up the entire lot for better use, and preserved this man's and anyone elses future view. Why would those elders decide to build like this?

    My final answer: They were assholes who wanted the view of the Mountains from every part of the KH property except if someone was on that small strip of land behind the KH. They did not care if they stole this man's view away from him after lying that they would not build to block his view.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    cultBegone ... By George, I think you've got it!!!

    Looking at the above airplane photo, WT did not have to put their building square in front of this disabled man's view.

    Adding your thoughts on why WT did this, unchristian, un-neighborly, uncharitable, also despicable building right in front, next to his house, blocking the view, NOW makes perfect WT sense!!!

    WT is unchristian, uncharitable, and despicable, and devious. (Example 20 or more years ago, the Society®, submitting plans to the correct authorities with blue prints, showing they want to build a 20 story building. The authorities come back and say sorry, you can only build 17 stories (or some such) and the Society® telling us, yay , we got what we wanted. We wanted 17 stories, but if that was what we asked for we knew they would knock it down, so we put it in for 20! Theocratic warfare at it's finest.

    -----> So I comprehend now that putting their building square in the disabled man's view, will most likely, cause the man and his wife, to put their cherished home up for sale. NO ONE WILL BUY IT.

    -----> WT will legally buy it, at a give away price.



    PS Mike&Kim, how are the disabled man and his wife doing? With a building that size, not only is it blocking their view, but also any wind or fresh air, coming from that direction.

    From what cultBgone mentioned, do you two think that is a viable probability of what WT wants to see happen? In time, they buy this unhappy and frustrated man's property, at a give away price?

    Sickening thinking by WT Legal.


  • zeb

    There is an area of Sydney (Australia) referred to even today as "Jehovahs Hill". When the great depression hit there were many people who were in fine houses (NB "hill" but who were suddenly unable to pay their mortgages. JW enter the picture and bought a swag of them at misery prices as the owner s were desparate to sell. legal yes, but highly immoral.

  • frankiespeakin

    Jehovah's imaginary kindom gains 1 Paraplegic Man 0 Satan 0

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