JW wins lawsuit in the UK...

by Honesty 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlphaMan

    What a nut job JW. I am so embarrassed to have been associated with this bat-shit crazy religion in the past. I moved away from where I was a JW, but I have never let anyone know of my bat-shit crazy JW past. Any talk of JW's in the workplace ends up with how f'n crazy they are. Normal people try to deal with JW's in a normal reasonable manner, but the JW's always have some nutter view that makes people think they are f'n crazy.

    The stupid JW should have to pay damages for telling a woman that yoga would let evil forces into her body.

  • Apognophos

    I thought they backed off the yoga thing?

    The Society has; see my previous post. But some JWs haven't gotten the memo. I think it's pretty obvious that this is one of the cuckoo Witnesses that the local congregation is probably embarrassed by.

  • losingit

    When did the society back off from yoga?! I NEVER heard of that change. Ugh. I hate all the back and forth. Smh

  • Apognophos

    We'll have to wait for someone like blondie to supply the literature citation, but I know what the Society has written to someone who wanted to teach yoga, and they basically gave her the okay. What the Society has continuously warned JWs about is meditation. It's the meditation, after all, not some poses, which the Society thinks is opening the mind up to demonic influence (I don't even believe that's what Jesus was talking about in his parable of the man's mind that was swept clean, but that's beside the point). So if one practices the poses without meditation, there's no ban against that. At least, I'd be surprised if the literature condemned it in recent times, since the HQ didn't do so in their private letter.

  • DesirousOfChange

    What the Society has continuously warned JWs about is meditation.

    That's because meditation allows you the opportunity to THINK...........


  • Splash

    So yoga fractions are allowed.

    I can see a trend emerging.


  • frankiespeakin

    Personal illusions don't automatically make one the subject of grounds for dismissal. The mistake made is making this an issue in fireing. Next time they should find other reasons that exclude personal delusions about demons and whatnot. The JW is capitalizing on this issue and thus needs to be avoided when fireing an employee that is hurting business. Maybe instead they could have used some other reason thus circumventing any legasl action.

  • skeeter1

    "£653.50 to get rid of an idiot like that. Bargain."

    More like "Priceless!", like the Visa commercial. LOL.

  • frankiespeakin

    Reminds me of a JW who worked at the same manufacturing company as myself. He was slipping free WT and Awakes in with their order of custm made machine parts. The owner didn't fire him he just nicely told his to stop.

    600+ pounds sterling is not a great loss to get rid of a fruitcake employee, in fact it is a bargin and no great loss. Win some lose some.

  • Vidiot

    Splash - "So yoga fractions are allowed."

    What's next? Tantric fractions?

    Frankiespeakin - "600+ pounds sterling is not a great loss to get rid of a fruitcake employee, in fact it is a bargin and no great loss."

    All part of the company overhead.

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