He's probably been boasting at the hall that the gym was his own personal ministry territory. Probably been counting return visits and even bible studies among the clients there. I can think of some in my hall who would do just that!
JW wins lawsuit in the UK...
by Honesty 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
defender of truth
Yoga is not just a form of exercise, the Watchtower has said in 2002:
" The objective of yoga as a discipline is to lead a person to the spiritual experience of being “yoked” to or merged with a superhuman spirit. But which spirit would that be? "
" Hindu philosophers admit that the practice of yoga can give supernatural powers, even though they usually claim that this is not the ultimate goal of yoga. "
" Transmission of thought from one individual to another without the intervention of the normal communicating mechanisms is quite possible. . . . The yogi can make his body invisible. ”
http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2002565 -
That's an interesting contrast to what the sister I knew claimed to have been told by the Society in answer to her letter. The "Do You Remember?" article which followed this article was even more pointed:
*** w02 8/15 p. 29 Do You Remember? ***
Why do Christians recognize that yoga goes beyond mere exercise and is dangerous?
The objective of yoga as a discipline is to lead a person to being merged with a superhuman spirit. Contrary to God’s direction, yoga involves stopping spontaneous thinking. (Romans 12:1, 2) Yoga can expose one to the dangers of spiritism and occultism. (Deuteronomy 18:10, 11)—8/1, pages 20-2.This was probably around the same period in time that I met the sister who taught yoga. I will say that she didn't exactly impress me as a Witness of good standing in general.
I sincerely hope all their years of encouraging people to "witness" at work backfires on them big time.
So typical witness attitude that everyone else should subsidize their choice to be a JW, even their employer.