an email from Dr. Stark

by larc 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • herbert


    The article you want is the contained in the link right after your first post.


  • larc

    Herbert, my webtv won't accept the link, but thanks for the try. Waiting, I tryed your link and the pages were illegable. When I get the hard copy on Thursday, I will read it carefully, and email Sparks regarding any problems I see with it. Although Sparks seems to be a very qualified Sociologist, I don't think he understands the difficulty of doing accurate research with the Witnesses.

    I sent my email to him regarding his quote and about the damage done by WT policy. I will let you know what his response is.

  • waiting

    Before I print it HERE - do you want me to? No big deal, but a lot of space.

    Your call, Larc.

    Although Sparks seems to be a very qualified Sociologist, I don't think he understands the difficulty of doing accurate research with the Witnesses.
    I agree - he's dealing with 1997 growth issues in that article.


  • larc


    Thanks for the offer, but I will have a hard copy in hand tomorrow, so there is no need to post so many pages. Being on webtv, I am not hooked up to a printer, so I would have to take copious notes if you did print it.

    Like you, I want hard copy in hand with my yellow highligter ready to start marking. Before I email to Stark again, I will post my thoughts here regarding his article and ask if you and others would edit my remarks for me.

  • Dia

    Whatever happened with this? Did anyone ever get a reply from Starks?

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