Will the JW.Org Site make a difference ?

by Phizzy 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OneEyedJoe

    sir82 - I'm sure facebook would've been glad to do that, if they could get the workforce for free.

    I'm not sure how much of a difference the website will make in either direction if they're going along with their current methods. I doubt many are finding the webpage without encountering the literature first (though, this could change if/when the WTS starts buying google ads ala the mormons and scientologists) so they're not really increasing the number of people who are contacted. Since there's a fairly limited set of cirumcstances that make people susceptible to indoctrination by a cult (usually some sort of very emotional event) if they're not already involved via family/friends/whatever, the only way they'll get more people is to broaden the net, which they're not really doing.

    Now, if they start buying ads online, that could really change things.

    On the other hand, you've now got JWs searching the web for JW.org, and most importantly they're searching for the kingdom ministry since apparently that's not something that should be distributed to the public under any circumstances and can't be put on the public web site. The problem is that people aren't going to wake up until they're ready. I experienced this myself...I'd been getting my KMs from jwleaks and here for months, making sure to loyally avoid reading any information that might be defamatory. I saw stuff about child molestation, but that was easy for me to rationalize away. It wasn't until I'd more or less realized that I'd been lied to (yay for the overlap doctrine!) that I actually started to believe anything that I read online. I'm sure it'll help some (as it did in my case) just because those who stumble upon 'apostate' material will know where to look once they're ready, but I don't think it'll make much difference in getting people to that first step, where they're finally able to accept contrary information.

    It's often said here that their greatest weakness is the baggage of their past, and I think that's true when recruitment is concerned. I don't think it's true (or, at least not as true) as far as retention is concerned. The reason I think this is because the truth of the WTS's past is so absolutely absurd that no one who's fully in will accept it if you tell them. The WTS banned organ transplants then backtracked? You're lying, I can't trust anything you say! They used to ban vaccinations? Get out of here you lying appostate! They where a member of the UN? There's no way, its not even worth my time to look it up! The absolute insane level of the hypocricy of the org is almost an advantage, because it sounds so unbelievable, especially if your only picture of the org is the nice people that you go to meetings with. Its not until you find that one thing that hits you in just the right way that all the rest becomes believable.

    IMO it may backfire slightly in that people will feel a little safer in leaving once they're ready, but I don't think it'll make a huge difference in getting people to take that first step and open up their mind. That said, its definitely possible that that little push may be enough to create a chain reaction where the absence of a few causes the rest to get curious. This is one of those things that's just insane to try and model and we're just going to get 10000 different pieces of anecdotal evidence that all points in different directions. That doesn't mean it's not fun to talk about, though.

  • bohm

    The assumption that people choose their religion based on a website sounds like the most goofy idea ever..

  • Dis-Member

    No.. the entire content is too shallow and superficial and dumbed down and insults the average persons intelligence. The whole site is just plastic every single image and photo completely contrived and totally unrealistic and artificial. Check out the faces on that Awake cover above.. I mean what kind of people grin like Cheshire cats when looking at a religious website on some electronic device? it's all just so fake.

    The non initiated may go there to take a look but I doubt much more than that.

  • TheListener

    I checked out the dubs website. It seems very simple, maybe too simple. The pictures and articles appear corny. But I faded a while ago and my view is probably not the most unbiased.

    Compared to other religious websites the dubs website just seems cheaply done.

  • stuckinarut2

    There was a letter read out this week that shared "exciting statistics" about the website's effectivness...

    Wait for it...wait for it.....

    "Over 900,000 hits per day!...therefore showing just how popular our new site is...blah blah...Jah's blessing etc..."

    But hang on...hang on...


    SO, that means that if less than 10% of existing witnesses open the site, that would be the "900,000" hits!...

    And remember that every cong co-ordinator has to go on at least once a day to check for letters to the congs....and there are a hundred thousand congs right?....


  • skeeter1

    People joined the JW religion because the friends came every week to visit. Householders agreed with them becuase it's hard to turn down someone you know and are building a relationship. At first, the topics you and your new friends are not confrontational or unusual. So, it builds a stonger and stronger relationship while studing. Finally, the person is saying "yes" to hard to swallow things like no blood and shunning. A computer website lacks the one-on-one. I don't see the website, in and of itself converting people. Perhaps, if the WTS dropped some of its crazier and flawed teachings, then the website will do the conversions of mind. But, to make it a cult . . . you got to have the "Friends" to put on social pressure.

  • solitairelife

    I visited the website today and clicked on the publications tab, and out of 61 publications listed, I am only familiar with 8, and those are the oldest of the publications found on pages 5 and 6. I have been inactive for over 15 years, and today I find this organization unrecognizable. I remember singing my heart out to songs like Make the Truth Your Own, Keep Your Eyes on the Prize, and so many others in that burgandy songbook. Although we now know the the real truth about the doctrines and concepts of the religion, the former organization had something that kept you there.

  • problemaddict

    Of course it will. They still see the value of sending out as much information as possible out there, in order to reach as many as possible. I think it will stem the tide of decline for a while.

    The unintended consequence however will be research that will lead people to JWfacts and other such blogs and sites.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I think the organization will eventually use JW.org as an excuse to stop printing the public edition of the Watchtower and Awake as a means of further cutting costs. They will say that more people are using JW.org so there's no longer a great need to print the magazines. They will probably start this policy in all countries that have good internet access. JWs will be going to the doors to offer tracts, bible studies and to invite people to the meetings.

    Furthermore, I believe the org will put a donation feature on jw.org to allow the public to donate. Don't be surprized if they even start a feature where you can sign up to get special features - for a monthly or annual fee.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    <p>People generally seem to be pretty aware of JWs and whether being one would interest them. I doubt the website will make much difference to recruitment. There's always a few lost souls or damaged individuals looking for solace in religion and the JWs will gladly swallow them up. slightly OT but I wonder if they'd ever start up their own JW social network site to keep the existing dubs in (and keep tabs on them)</p>

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