About 1 million people (unique visitors / average daily figure) visited JW.ORG each day in 2014. At this very moment it is well over a million people a day.
source: my connection at the WT ICT department
Compete . com a web stats site shows 1,478,149 visitors for the month of June for the US. That's around 42,297 visitors a day.
Quantcast . com shows 866,986 visitors for the period of May 31st - June 29th 2014. That's 28,899 visitors a day. Again not quite a million.
Yes, but you are forgetting to apply the "scriptural rule" of "a day for a year". Take a day for a year, multiply it by the 1,335 days and divide by 7 times and you will see clearly that there are 1 million per day.