Governing Body .............Exteme Sexism
by Watchtower-Free 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasanelder Once
This is genius, better than the original. WOW is all I can say. Thanks.
Download entire talk ......Its full of crazy crap
MP3 download of Public Talk by Governing Body member Samuel Herd "The Value of Our Theocratic Sisters" Oakland CA 1971 -
Well I think we can conclude that pretty much this guy Herd is a male chauvinist pig*
- a man who believes that men are superior to women.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Fun-nee! lol
Question??? In the beginning... he says us girls have small brains, lol, then at the 4 minute mark he starts talking about if the boy you married, is not as smart as you???
What an opinionated, you know what. lol
I wonder what his wife is like in private??? Does anyone know her?Poor dear.
This is what happens when an organization stands still, falling ever behind Jehovah's chariot. Society's understanding of human rights, the intelligence and rights of women has jumped leaps and bounds.
Samuel Turd... the epitome of misogyny.
These fellows on the Governing Body are extreme simpletons. I'm amazed that they can be so stupid and still run a corporation. I'm thinking with these guys making important decisions for the corporation's existence/survival they should be going bankrupt soon.
I'm amazed that they can be so stupid and still run a corporation.
They don't run any corporations. They were removed from all corporate responsibility back in 2000.
All they do is develop doctrine & policy, and run it by the legal dept. for approval.
Captain Obvious
Wow.... I wonder how many people he woke up during that meeting?