Welcome aboard NoMoreHustle. I was like you.... Just destroyed and floored. Look online and read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. It will in all the final pieces of the puzzle. God doesn't direct the GB. They vote!
My First Post!
by NoMoreHustle 67 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome, NMH.
The "Footloose" video is not the only one. Similar videos have been posted from the Atlanta, Detroit and other Int'l Conventions. They are as bad or worse than Footloose.
You'll learn a tremendous amount here. Keep your mind open...the most absurd sounding information about WT is also generally the most factual. Get ready to have your world rocked.
AndDontCallMeShirley: Thank You! I have seen those videos. One in Indianapolis is a doosy. It is so over the top. That one is jaw dropping. The way they sing those Hymns!! (Don't know how to share youtube videos yet) But look it up "Indianapolis Assembly Hall Chorus"
Cool name, NMH. Keep your head down and your mouth shut, and again "do not put your faith in a companion or trust in a confidential friend."
Sparlock the Wizard
Welcome NMH, I wonder how your family member heard about the Conti case? You are finally finding the real answers, don't stop asking questions.
Welcome NMH , use the search option at the top of the page to find answers / discussion on any subject you choose , and enjoy your journey .
It was 33 years with me before the penny dropped .
footloose video ? a link please?
footloose video ? a link please?
Welcome NMH, yiu sound like you know what you're doing. We are here when you need to vent. Kate xx