I know this has been talked about in the past but Im new here.
Is there any good (im serious) in this religion JW
by dugout 70 Replies latest jw friends
You can get pretty decent public speaking experience, which might prove helpful in real life.
Of course, you can also join toastmasters to get similar training, without all the cult trappings.
You learn to take rejection which is useful in sales......
.....other than that NO!
It's made me realise how people can be manipulated and I have more empathy as a result.
Yes there is def some good. Nothing is all evil all the time. I find that he friends for my young kids at the hall are great play mates. Also the group of friends that I have there I will never replace once I decide to leave for good. Some may disagree with this but I have great friends there. I know they will choose the Borg over me but they are brain washed. That doesn't mean they aren't good friends in the mean time. It also does give a decent moral compass. I think that I am a pretty decent person now and part of that is as a result of the Borg. I am also good with people which helps me run my business.
But in the end.......
It's still A cult!
Short overall answer is....
There may be some value in it for some persons, but there is nothing that is beneficial that you can get from JWs that you can't get elsewhere.
I.e., there is nothing uniquely beneficial about being a JW.
Wow ignorance is bliss, ignorance is bliss. 'close friends' i had dropped me in an instant, their love is conditional. As to morality, there are plenty of moral people who have never read a bible, don't you think morality existed before it was even written?
There was some good in the Nazi leaders. No doubt they loved and protected their families. But they were otherwise monsters at heart.
There is good/truth/ in many religions... but if they are preaching a false saving message and a false god, and breaking up families and ruining lives... the bad far outweighs any possible good.
It also does give a decent moral compass.
Like hell it does. How is shunning family members "good morals"?How is hoping billions die so you can inherit the Earth ""good morals"? How is wanting innocent children to die "good morals"? How is protecting paedophiles "good morals"? How is encouraging people to refuse life saving treatment "good morals"?
The orgainsation is led by amoral assholes.