I agree... No religion for me... as for now
Just Curious About Something
by EmptyInside 33 Replies latest jw friends
Born in here too. I reject all religions. Never again for me.
I was a convert at 19 from a nominal christian background , 33 years with the witnesses learning sweet f.A. then finding this forum opened my mind up to reality.
I have no qualms saying I am an atheist
Interesting question. I believe those born into the religious group in the Post Gulf War era are more likely to leave the religious organization because they are more liberal and free-thinking than their parents and grand parents in the religious group.
Younger persons tend to see the hypocrisy not only within the WTBTS teachings and practices, but also in all religious organizations especially those claiming to be of God and Christ. The younger generation tends to ask more questions.
Unlike days gone by, research resources are at ones finger tips and information can be found relatively quickly without having to take a trip to the library and more people today have computers with Internet access than in the previous years.
As an ex-JW of 30 years (disassociated), I remember articles in the WT publications long ago warning of the dangers of the Internet. It was almost as if the Society was saying the Internet was a bad thing. I believe the organization was discouraging use of the Internet back then because it contained information - if one looked hard enough - that revealed a great many things the Society was keeping hidden from its membership. There were also many well meaning and concerned ex-JWs who were expelled from the organization during the 1980s "purge" at the headquarters and the organization was attempting to keep its existing membership from finding out the truth about what happened there. A lot of information was circulating on the Internet back then by those expelled members that the organization labeled as apostates. Thus, by labeling many of those poor and innocent expelled Brothers and Sisters as "apostates," the organization had an effective tool to keep what really happened under raps. This "apostate" label is still effectively used today for information suppression. If anyone today were to read any of Charles Taze Russells many publications, he would sound like the WT definition of an apostate. It is not by accident (but by design) that C.T. Russell's publications do not appear in the "public" WT library and CD.
When I first began to associate with the JWs, I was earnestly seeking God and the truth. I prayed to God and I was a sponge soaking up all I could learn about them. Unknown to me back then was that I was being subtly indoctrinated to fit into the Watch Tower mold. Like all JWs, it started with a "Bible Study" and then "regular meeting attendance" and then a dedication and then baptism. Unknown to me back then was what were called "Bible Studies" were not really "Bible Studies" they were "Studies of the Watch Tower Publications." Those publications did not require "study" as "study" implies reading and formulating your own questions. As all you know, the publications have questions already prepared for you and the answers are in the paragraphs. One is really never allowed to "think for themselves" as the thinking is done for them.
Additionally, I have come to understand that one should not be "studying" the Bible or making "Bible Students." Rather Christ commanded us to make disciples to him. In other words, "Students of Christ."
Many assume incorrectly that study of the Bible is the same as being a disciple of Christ. Not so. Christ had no book to teach what "he" taught and neither did his disciples back then. This book called the Bible surfaced many hundreds of years after Christ ascended. The Bible has effectively replaced Christ as the Word of God. A book and the Son of God BOTH cannot be The Word of God. That many have been indocrinated into believing that they are, has led to much confusion because it becomes a matter of "The Bible says ..." versus what "Christ says ..." Yet, The Most High God told us to listen to the one He sent. (Luke 9:35)
The Bible is NOT Christ.
Religious organization stands up today for one purpose: To block the truth about God and Christ and to take control over that which God's son died for and purchased with his "own blood."
It inserts itself in between man and his owner and Head, Christ. It even claims to speak for Christ. (1 Cor 11:3)
Jesus foretold the coming of this impostor that would come on the basis of his name truthfully teaching that he is the Christ, but would mislead many. This misleading is away from God through Christ and a coralling of men and women into human organizations where they can be controlled.
One should seriously asked themselves: "Why would any religious organization want control over persons? Why would religious organizations seek to take ownership of that which is not theirs? if Christ died for all of mankind, it is Christ - not religious organizations - that is the owner, Lord and Master of mankind.
Only a thief would take what is not his. Religious organization - all of it - yes, all of Christianity to include the WTBTS, are thieves. They have taken control over another persons slaves and his household and ransacked it with false teachings and ritualism.
Count it as a blessing if you are not a part of any religious system. You will be the wiser if you continue to seek God and the truth. This is done by simply asking for it via prayer to the Father (Creator of all). Jesus knew this as he taught:
"And all the things YOU ask in prayer, having faith, YOU will receive." (Matthew 21:22)
Yet, many "ask" the organization to give them wisdom, understanding and knowledge. And, this is exactly what the organization wants its membership to do. To be dependent upon it.
I submit to YOU: Suppose you ask the Father in heaven for understanding about a teaching such as 1914 and it is revealed to you that it is a false teaching that He nor His Son created.
You will have a problem with the WT organization as it wants you to listem to THEM.
Depend upon (have faith) in what God through Christ provides us, not in what men and their religious organizations provide us.