READ THIS and you'll finally know . . .

by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Terry

    IF YOU HAVE NEVER READ THIS, please sit down, brew a cup o' tea and relax with your laptop.

    You'll be at it for an hour. It just gets better and better as you go along.

    You could call this, "Everything you always wanted to know about the character of C.T. Russell".

    The information is derrived from sworn testimony, lawsuits, cross-examination, character testimony, etc.

    NOTE: when money is mention, please go to:

    Put in the stated amount and see what THE MONEY WAS REALLY WORTH at the time.


    Russell's followers, "About 100,000 strong," as Rus-
    sell says, pay their money. In 1912, there was paid
    into this society in cash donations alone, no less than

    (1912 adjusted for inflation $4,863,160.20)

  • Magnum

    Thanks. Making a note of this to read entirely tonight or tomorrow. Please keep it coming. This is the kind of stuff I'm interested in.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Read it. Now I begin to understand why the impenitrable web of finance for the holding of the WT particularly in the US have their foundation. Even now the vast wealth of the Organization (a sinster word that| is controlled by the GB just as it was controlled by Russell. The man was morally incontinent.

    Whoever tracked that down and put it on-line deserves a medal.

  • Balaamsass2
  • NewYork44M

    Marked. I don't have an hour right now, so I will be back.

  • zeb

    Charming little fellow indeed. and who succedded him but another and then another. I rue the day i had anything to do with the jw.

    If the wts had ever had a single fine streak on humilityand honesty they would reveal these histories to any new members that they may decide for themselves their course to take.

    One thing comes to mind. There was a time (1980's ?)when the imprisonment of Rutherford et al was repeatedly mentioned by the wt; we heard all about it again and again.. and again. I wondered why this carrying on about an event of generations past and i still do but recently thanks to this site

    (Yea the internet!no wonder the wts was so anti the internet.)

    and the few books of experiences of former ex bethelites i have read have learned of Rutherfords alcoholism and bullying ways. Well his liking for alcohol would be cut off once inside so he would have had withdrawals to deal with and his bullyboy tactics- in jail? there would have been bigger and stronger men inside than the uniform and in inmates garb. Perhaps he had to 'toe the line' when he had never done so in his life before. But apparently no humility learned there. It would have been interesting to interview some of the other inmates inside around Rutherford for their opinion of him.

    And dear friends as i have said before If/when the govts of the world turn on the wts with all the evidence of its chicanery (more recently the paedophile scandals) they will scream persecution from their illustrious rooftops. That i live to see it to see such universal justice. Imagine the new bethel buildings in NY occupied by UNESCO or the World health Organisation, or a rehab home for injured veterans. As in all things we wait and see.

  • Finkelstein

    Russell's followers, "About 100,000 strong," as Rus- sell says, pay their money. In 1912, there was paid into this society in cash donations alone, no less than $202,000.

    (1912 adjusted for inflation $4,863,160.20)

    ...and who most likely knew the wealth of the WTS. since Russell used him and his legal profession on other business ventures., J Rutherford

    Interesting ?

    Would Rutherford have pursed taking over the WTS. if he had prior knowledge of the Corporation being broke or close to being bankrupt ....... I think not.

    So here we find the true underlining ambition power and MONEY $$$

    Rutherford just had to work on the bullshit to keep the ball rolling.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    [marked for later]

  • prologos

    russel aka wt had a real estate/investment subsidiary an denying it?

    nothing has changed, but the logo.

    plus que ca change-- plus que ca reste la meme chose.

    pas moin, --plus.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I used to see this sort of stuff as just the sort of mud that opposers would throw around. It had no weight or substance, no truth. It should not be given the dignity of a reply.

    But.... Look at the following references. The WT gave it credence and tried to salve the wounds by giving a half assed response. By the weakness of the reply, by the failure of Russell to follow up this stain on his reputation the ORGANIZATION have elevated this tract to the status of TTATT. They have not even tried to defend the financial shenanigans, they made a half hearted technical defense of Russell’s moral short comings reminiscent of Clinton’s “ I did not have sex with that woman’. They edit the Canadian evidence to suit their position still leaving the fact dangling that Russell was a uneducated layman claiming to be a pastor.

    The jury’s verdict: Guilty m’lud, on all counts.

    *** yb79 pp. 93-94 Canada ***


    One of the earliest congregations of Jehovah’s people to be established in Canada was the one at Hamilton, Ontario. That strong, very active congregation naturally had the disapproval of the clergy. Not having any Biblical defense against the forceful thrusts of the truth, the clerics resorted to personal invective. They lashed out in a seemingly desperate attempt to destroy one man—C. T. Russell.

    A clergyman who used this approach at Hamilton was a bombastic Baptist preacher named J. J. Ross. In 1912, he wrote a scurrilous pamphlet in which he made many false accusations against Russell. Acting on the advice of his legal counselor, J. F. Rutherford, Brother Russell laid a criminal charge of defamatory libel against Ross. As the complainant, Russell attended the trial to give evidence, and he submitted to a long cross-examination of roughly five hours. After the trial, his Baptist opponent falsely charged that Russell had committed perjury when asked about his knowledge of Greek. This “perjury” charge was published in Ross’ second pamphlet attacking Russell. In it the cleric misquoted what had been said in court, giving the cross-examiner’s question and Russell’s reply as follows:

    Q. “Do you know the Greek?”

    A. “Oh, yes.”

    By omitting the word “alphabet” from this question, Ross sought to establish an exact contradiction with a later question and answer:

    Q. “Are you familiar with the Greek language?”

    A. “No.”

    What really happened is clear from the official record (Police Court of the City of Hamilton, Ontario, March 17, 1913). It shows that C. T. Russell did not commit perjury. The cross-examination (by George Lynch-Staunton, K. C.) went as follows, according to the book Jehovah’s Witnesses in Canada, by M. James Penton:

    “Question: ‘You don’t profess, then, to be schooled in the Latin language?’

    Answer: ‘No, Sir.’

    Question: ‘Or in Greek?’

    Answer: ‘No, Sir.’”

    After this, Russell was asked if he knew individual Greek letters, and he said that he “might make a mistake of some of them.” According to the book just cited, shortly thereafter “Lynch-Staunton asked Russell the question: ‘Are you familiar with the Greek language?’ Russell’s reply was an emphatic ‘No.’”

    So, there was no question about matters. C. T. Russell had not committed perjury as Ross falsely charged after the trial. The case itself later went before a grand jury, which declined to return a bill of indictment. So, the case never went on for trial before the Supreme Court of Ontario. Under legal practice in Ontario, only the crown attorney is allowed to speak before the grand jury. We do not know how the case was presented to it or what caused that body to reject it. No decision ever was rendered on the merits of the case. In his subsequent writings, Ross treated this inconclusive result as though he had won a great victory. He and others apparently chose to forget that Russell was not the man on trial.

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