My theory on Jesus is that if he did exist, he was just a regular dude like Ghandi. Maybe,over time, his followers started claiming that he was "special" or a prophet. At first, maybe he shied away from it. Perhaps thats why he didnt want anyone to spread BS tales of miracles and why he said he was the "son of man". But soon his "movement" grew too large. His legend began to grow. He slowly began to believe the tales and his ego took over. Cult of personality consumed his followers. Maybe at the core he knew he was just a man but to come clean would mean dissapointment to thousands. Thats why, at the end the religious leaders had to force him to say he was the son of god. He was vague several times by answering "you yourself say it to be true". But finally when pressured over and over he said "yes". The battle between truth and ego was over and ego won. He was to die a matyr instead of dying a lier.
Jesus was a false prophet?
by opusdei1972 78 Replies latest watchtower bible
If i may ask, which of Jesus's prohecies do you think should have come to pass by now and why do you feel that way?.
You may ask, but why are you asking me? It makes no sense.
new hope and happiness
a poster was telling you what they think. You ask for facts. But those facts are what you think are thoughts. You can go on arguong with him/ her on what YOU persive the evidence . But evidence and logic should never be reasons to convict. Anyway the poster is not liar nor deceived just on a different wavelength.
Your asking if Jesus was a false prophet. If so then i suppose you know of at least one of his prophecies that has failed. That is why i want to know which of his prophecies you think have failed.
The only moral foundation to build on is truth. By that standard Jesus failed as a prophet, preacher and teacher. The untruths he told must rank as the most damaging in history. The Jesus story set humanity back for centuries.
If you start a thread that essentially says Jesus was a false prophet, you have to allow for Christians to make a case that he was not a false prophet, without accusing them of "preaching" at you. Why be like the WT and stifle people ?
I don't know where anyone gets the idea his followers expected him to return in their life time, since they talk about the coming of anti-Christs and of their own deaths.
Beside, he did return to them right after he was resurrected and show himself to them and walk through walls and show his wounds. He also said he would send the holy spirit as a helper and his father and he would come to dwell with people and be with them and reside with them and they would all be one and things would go on through wars and various tribulations and not to think when there were false Christs that it was him returned, he indicated it would be generations away, he said it was a distant time and no one knew when not even him, so where did he lie ?
Some things he said referred to the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 and it has not been rebuilt to this day, in fact the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim mosque, sits on the Temple mound.
He also told the thieves on the crosses next to him, they would be "with him in Paradise". So what does that mean ? JW's come from this mindset that there are "two classes" earthly and heavenly and that seems to lead them to be controlled by the "upper class" Jesus said nothing like this, that should be the main concern here I think.
Your asking if Jesus was a false prophet. If so then i suppose you know of at least one of his prophecies that has failed. That is why i want to know which of his prophecies you think have failed.
No, that's not what I asked. I said that no specific thing that required special knowledge he said came true. That was in response to someone that claimed Jesus made prophecies that came true. That was shown conclusively to be false. Read the thread and you'll see specifically which ones have failed.
Beside, he did return to them right after he was resurrected and show himself to them and walk through walls and show his wounds.
All of the accounts say something different. Not a reliable narrative and if one is true, then at least two of the Gospels are wrong. Parts of the Bible claim he was raised purely as a spirit and other claims he was raised in a physical body. Which is it?
He also said he would send the holy spirit as a helper and his father and he would come to dwell with people and be with them and reside with them and they would all be one and things would go on through wars and various tribulations and not to think when there were false Christs that it was him returned, he indicated it would be generations away, he said it was a distant time and no one knew when not even him, so where did he lie ?
That's a theological argument and not something has historical meaning that can be objectively tested for truth.
Some things he said referred to the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 and it has not been rebuilt to this day, in fact the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim mosque, sits on the Temple mound.
The temple had been destroyed before. Jerusalem was occupied and in a state of conflict. Jesus himself was preaching destruction (along with many many other apocalyptic Jews). It was a general statement that didn't have any specific information like a specific date, who would be doing the destruction, etc. What kind of special prophetic knowledge did that require?
As I see, in Mark, Matthew and Luke, the great tribulation is related to the destruction of Jerusalem, and Matthew says that " immediately after the tribulation of those days...... shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory........... Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all these things be accomplished. "
So, if Jesus said what Matthew wrote, the prophecy of Jesus failed, because during that generation, the tribes of the earth did not see Jesus coming on the clouds as a consequence of the destruction of Jerusalem. That generation passed without seeing Christ for the second time.