That is similar as to show the same kind of deceit as the Watchtower has done to its followers? A movie I could show as a warm up to sharing some TTATT with someone.
What would be a good movie
by Crazyguy 17 Replies latest jw friends
The movie"1984" springs to mind .Their have been a few versions , both on cinema and TV , based on the book by George Orwell.
The 1956 version with Edmond O`Brian , Jan sterling , and the 2nd movie version in 1984 with Richard burton .The BBC also had a televised version .
Take your pick.
Im thinking about a movie thats not just about how they want to control you but one that also goes into how they lie and hide things.
Maybe what your looking for is the danish movie "Worlds Apart" with sub-titles , an excellent recent movie which deals with a young woman , brought up in the "truth" meets and gets involved with a" worldly" person and then has to discover who she really is . Highly recommended .
And the girl this movie is based upon has a cameo appearance in the final scenes .
The wizard of Oz or the Wiz take your pick
Any Zombie movie!
mindless creatures focused only on attacking the vulnerable....
oh, but no...hang on...they eat blood, so that would be unacceptable I guess?
Let me guess. You are going to try and rip off the bandaid. Ouch.
I think all the films you mention, jgnat, are applicable as metaphors for the JW Cult.
The problem is that a believing JW will simply not make the connection. JW's do not do oblique.
The lesson in each case would have to be spelled out for them, and then their "Cult Defense Mode" would kick in, and they simply would not accept the paralells.
I was listening to a programme just a few minutes ago on the BBC World Service about a cult that has really taken hold in China, The Church of God Almighty I think it is called. The similarities were stark, fleecing the flock of money, family to be rejected etc etc, all because the Apocalypse is near.
I thought to myself as I listened, "A JW would simply not see how very similar a cult they are to this one". A JW would just focus on the aspects of the C of GA cult that are worse than his own, beatings and even murders etc, and not consider the similarities, which are what identify to the world that it is a dangerous cult. (If anyone is interested, the BBC World Service repeats programmes, and is avaiable on BBC iPlayer as well I think.)
How do we get JW's to focus mentally, and to think clearly ?
A show that was effective with my hubby was TLC's Breaking Amish. A feature of the show is that they will flash a scripture, which hubby would agree with, and then show how its application plays out in the real lives of these breakaway Amish youngsters. Then hubby would say, "That's all wrong" but he couldn't say why. Scriptures are to be trusted, after all. That show disturbed him a lot.