I thought it was orange, I still have my personal copy, with my art intact
The Watchtower 11/15/2014
by wifibandit 101 Replies latest watchtower bible
They still have a book study with assigned paragraphs on the same night followed by the school then the service meeting.
Blondie: I stand corrected...
...either my memories are fading or my book was just discolored . Either way, just out of curiosity (since we are both "old timers"), if I mention that book and you had to remember ONE image, right away, in the moment, which one would it be?
I have the feeling that it would be the same I would remember...
Thank you for your great and always factual comments!!!!
Speading fear? maybe to some but as a young man I always found such descriptions of "the end" and persecution so exciting! It appealed to the anti establishment trait that I have within me. We were doing something that would be driven underground, we were righteous, harmless but going to be attacked by them - like an eco warrior, or the occupy movements of today. I was fired up by it and a good many others were too. I remember several spunky old women who just loved the idea of thumbing their nose at the establishment.
Today I saw this on JWTalk, from a real J W:
"I cant wait to read that edition, but more than that I cant wait "to live" that picture, because that means that we are soooo close to the new world!"
What do you think of this in the article beneath the pic. (the emphasis is my own)
"17 When Gog begins the assault, Jehovah will tell his servants: “Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by.” (Isa. 26:20) At that crucial time, Jehovah will give us lifesaving instructions, and the “inner rooms” might well be connected with our local congregations.
18 If, therefore, we wish to benefit from Jehovah’s protection during the great tribulation, we must recognize that Jehovah has a people on earth, organized into congregations. We must continue to take our stand with them and remain closely associated with our local congregation. With all our hearts, may we join the psalmist in proclaiming: “Salvation belongs to Jehovah. Your blessing is upon your people.”—Ps. 3:8.
Once more, salvation for nobody outside of the WTS , the exclusive club of their own brand of Christianity is the only one worth anything, the rest of us can go get fried.
The desire to be part of an exclusive club is as old as secret decoder rings.
I was watch a TV show called "Dooms day prepers" this week. Each family on the show is concerned about specific doomsday scenarios. Then the show rates them on how well they are prepared on a scale of 1 to 100 for the specific even they are concerned about. One was concerned about the power grids taken out by a SME. The other family was worried about sea level rise. I think both families got 80 something out of 100 score. They also have experts predict how likely it is that the specifc scenario could occur.
I was thinking how great would it be if they featured a JW on this show.
Event: Armagedon at the hands of god that will kill off 99.9% of the world population.
Preparations: Wait for the Governing Body of Jehovah's witness's to instuct us what to do.
Score given by experts: 0.0 followed by uncontrolable laughter.
It would be a very short but funny segment to this show.
Maybe someone here who knows TATT would volunteer to be on the show and make the JW doomsday cult look like the fools they are.
The ironic part is this actually fits in with Christian theology with the whole thing about all the non-Christians being left behind and being killed and such. I actually pointed that out to an elder one time. He wasn’t impressed.
So what exactly does the watchtower teach? I thought the JWs were suppose to have some kind of super natural protection in the great tribulation? Is the purpose of being a big group so you can combine your hours with the pioneers or something when Jehovah is throwing the fireballs.
The Paradise Book started Orange and then it was more Orangey Pink ... over years it gradually faded. How sensible of it.
Hi all, i have skipped a couple of pages of comment. In 1974/5 my family was living in a small country town called Bordertown in South Australia. We had some hot shot elders moved in to "serve where the need was greater"....they had come down from Adelaide. One had this idea that we had to be prepared for this exact scenario as the quoted picture on page 1 of this post! We had to have our meeting in a shearing shed on a farm that someone was renting. We had to dress neatly but not fully borgarized, One "brother" would sneak out and then wait, then when we all forgot who was gone, he would come banging on the door and create a disturbance just like the "law" would. We had to try to hide all of our books etc. One bright spark had torn the pages out of his study book and brought them along, when the "police" knocked on the door, this guy stuck his pages in his mouth and chewed and swallowed them!!!!!!! Any wonder the locals thought we were weird! We were!!!!
After the meeting we would all have supper and a laugh, but we were "prepared". As well these hotshot elders had everyone assigned to meet with one or two families at secret locations just in case!!!!!!!! Maybe the gb would like to call me and I will discuss these vital arrangements from a practical point of view?