Why is the world full of ATHEISTS?

by exWTslave 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Qcmbr

    Ex of course I've got it 'wrong' you have clearly stumbled upon incredible truth and have stepped far past the fumbling buffoonery of academic knowledge. You quote from a Michael Newton who got his qualifications at clown school and sells woo books for a career and has no supporting references but dont let that stop you, you are not wrong, fight the good fight and hail Wotan.

  • exWTslave


    Religions are out of the picture. God does not even consider them to be worthy of His attention. If at all they do anything, that is misrepresentation of God (like JWs who Jehovah felt CHALLENGED by a creature ....) and are parasites. Hence, God declares the Judicial Arm of all Governments as God's "MINISTER" on earth. (Romans 13:1-6). Hence let us not bring religions and their gods into our discussion!


    The main reason why atheists reject the God-myth is because they refuse to engage in Magical Thinking. The concept of 'miracles' is a prime example of Magical thinking. Any positive event that occurs for which there is no KNOWN explanation is called a Miracle from God. Without any concrete proof whatsoever, God is seen as the cause. Things we take for granted now, such as solar and lunar eclipses were once considered to be 'signs from God'. So atheists reject Magical thinking by not automatically using the 'God-Myth' to explain unusual occurrences. Like I always tell people: REALITY is my religion!!

  • exWTslave


    If you don't like Dr. Micheal Newton, you have plenty of other Doctors who were also atheists before, such as Dr. Brian Weiss .... hundreds of this sort. Just type PAST REGRESSION THERAPISTS, you will get hundreds of reference.

  • exWTslave


    Religions are out of the picture. God does not even consider them to be worthy of His attention. If at all they do anything, that is misrepresentation of God (like JWs who Jehovah felt CHALLENGED by a creature ....) and are parasites. Hence, God declares the Judicial Arm of all Governments as God's " MINISTER" on earth. (Romans 13:1-6). Hence let us not bring religions and their gods into our discussion!

  • Viviane

    Spirit or "soul is intelligent light energy. This energy appears to function as vibrational waves (similar to electromagnetic force but without the limitations of charged particles of matter).

    What is intelligent light energy? What is it made of? How is it intelligent? How does it get inside of people? How is it similiar to electromagnetism? What function happens at any particular vibrational wave? What is the medium for this wave? How is it not limited like matter? What are the implications of it being electrically neutral? Where is any evidence for any of your claims?

    You've not described anything so far, just strung together words that don't describe anything.

    Soul energy does not appear to be uniform. Like a finger-print, each soul has a UNIQUE identity in its formation, composition and vibrational distribution.

    How is it measured? How do we know eac soul is unique? How is it formed? What is the pattern of vibrational distribution? What IS vibrational distribution?

    Again, you've not answered anything, simply swapped one un-defined and unmeasured term for another.

  • exWTslave


    All your questions and even more are realistically dealt in the book DESTINY OF SOUL, by Dr. MICHEAL NEWTON. Please read it, its only around 300 pages.

  • Qcmbr

    There is nothing impressive about a handful of people who have expressed an atheist position changing their mind. Oh hang on my bad, obviously it is impressive so spirit.

    In the real world people make all kinds of choices. If you want to look for information based upon trends ask yourself why the more educated people become the more they reject magic thinking. There is a reason why more scientifically minded people reject the gods of their past than convert to faith based woo. I will allow you or Newton or Psychic Sally to enlighten us.

  • Mikado

    past regression therapists, the biggest crock around.

    i suggest you stick to scientifically recognized facts.

    oh that's right you can't.

    dont quote the bible to me to demonstrate how I have gone wrong, I have had enough of that to last me a dozen lifetimes.

  • Viviane

    All your questions and even more are realistically dealt in the book DESTINY OF SOUL, by Dr. MICHEAL NEWTON. Please read it, its only around 300 pages.

    Absolutely no. You claimed it exists, back up your claim. My thread on spirit has already amply shown that anyone here claiming to describe what spirit is made of is either using an analogy of making things up.

    If someone had figured out how to prove spirit exists and measure it, they would be famous and rich beyond belief. Since this guy also claims elves and faries exists and all of his evidence is actually not-evidence "because I said so", I'll decline to read 300 pages of that non-sense.

    It still stands that no one claiming that spirit stuff exists can describe in any meaningful, objectively demonstrable and real terms what it is.

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