Is this the start of a change of policy regarding individual JWs preparing internet pages.

by joe134cd 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • joe134cd

    This is a quote of a quote taken from Anthoney Mathenia:

    " For orga­ni­za­tions like the Watch­tower, absolute con­trol of their mes­sage is para­mount. It will not even allow its own adher­ents to spread their “good news” online. The Novem­ber 1997 Our King­dom Min­istry (an inter­nal bul­letin) man­dates: “There is no need for any indi­vid­ual to pre­pare Inter­net pages about Jehovah’s Wit­nesses, our activ­i­ties, or our beliefs. Our offi­cial site ( presents accu­rate infor­ma­tion for any who want it.”

    In light of the above comment now see the link below

    So my question now is? Is this the start of a change of policy regarding individuals preparing internet pages. This is the first time I have ever seen anything like this.

  • steve2

    Good question Joe. The website for this kingdom hall makes no mention of - although it mentions a visit by the international delegates on 20 August (when they'll go out in the service from 10.45am to 12.15pm for a whopping 1.5 hours).

  • AnnOMaly

    Interesting. You'd think would be featured on there somewhere - at least on the pages with Org's kiddie videos or the online NWT (although the latter diverts to Probably an oversight by the local BOE.

  • pixel

    I see in the future the GB/WT/FDS letting congregations setting their own websites, but with a template provided by the Borg. Mark my words...or not.

  • sir82

    That's crazy - they've got unattributed "Caleb" videos on their "video gallery" page.

    That seems to be a copyright violation - I doubt the WTS has granted authority to individual congregations to broadcast their videos, at the very least without distribution.

    On the other hand, it's pretty bleedin' obvious that this website is out there - if the WTS really had a problem with it, you'd think they'd have it shut down ASAP.

  • Oubliette

    I predict that this website will be taken down as soon as the CO finds out about it and reports it to his bosses at HQ.

  • happy@last

    I predict that this website will be taken down as soon as the CO finds out about it and reports it to his bosses at HQ.

    I agree. I made a website many years ago for the congregation I was in at the time and it was pulled after a strongly worded KM about 6 or 7 years ago.

  • bemused

    Some nice chairs in the picture gallery.

  • steve2

    Does anyone know how long this website's been operating? Looks new but I cannot imagine it has gone unnoticed by the organization. The clock is ticking....

  • donuthole

    I'm the writer of that article.

    I'm wondering about this too. This kind of goes hand and hand with the odd International Convention websites that popped up in various cities, like Atlanta, New Orleans, and Detroit over the summer.

    Waiting ...

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