To “OUTLAW”: I love that cartoon picture above, with the “BRAIN CHECK” room. Except, it’s actually not accurate – because they would never allow a woman (female) to work behind any counter like that. That, as we all know, would take, not a brain, but a penis.
The Reason Why JWs Won't Leave The Cult Is Because They Won't Think!
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
it's funny apparently there have been studies deminatrating that the higher your iq the more likely you are to be succestible to cults...
I don't think people are too lazy to leave, as we all know you have to be prepared to loose everything, that either takes guts, desperation or I suspect a little of a outsider feeling.....
just my two cents worth
also I have demonstrated my silly iPad doesn't help me to spell, sorry!
I have to be honest with you.
If I hadnt gotten body slammed with corruption that played out right in front of me through NO wish of my own?
I would have never thought to "look" and see all the things i see now.
I have a lot of admiration for those who woke themselves up. I had to suffer injury first.
thinking can be painful, you know.
To “OUTLAW”: I love that cartoon picture above, with the “BRAIN CHECK” room. Except, it’s actually not accurate – because they would never allow a woman (female) to work behind any counter like that. That, as we all know, would take, not a brain, but a penis.....SAHS
i can only speak for myself i have no idea what others really think.
i don't think i was lazy. i had a fear maybe the fear of God. i also believed for various reasons. in my view only the reason i can't join in the preaching is totally sound.
my parents taught me it was God's organization. that doesn't mean i didn't think about it. I think others who are still witnesses are not necessarily lazy just not at the same point as I was when I left.
I also had a fear of Jehovah.
Held me captive for years.
" atheists are in for a rude awakening..."
I disagree. If there is a loving creator that has simply been misrepresented by humans, why would he do anything harmful to people who doubt his existence? Especially when HE/SHE/THEY allow such an evil, faith destroying enviroment to exist unchecked?? Any human with their power of reason functioning, would gladly welcome a loving Creator being revealed. Furthermore, an all knowing, all loving creator would never dream of punishing any human who was turned off to religion because of hypocrisy.
Religionist who gleefully look forward to the rude awakening of others are "craving" the day of judgment. That is a no-no according to the Bible. Those persons have already passed judgment on their fellow man. Again, a huge no-no.
They are too fearful to think. Fearful of their idol.