Love believes all things... Comment by a "Duke and Star"!! Today's WT!!

by DATA-DOG 18 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Great observation! It was asserted that you do not have love if you question what men in Brooklyn say in a magazine. The context of the actual writing is completely ignored. Interestingly, the Eldub that spouted his pharisaic nonsense from his chair is considered to be very unloving by others who have dealt with him.

    Also, as ADCMS brought out, saying the WT writings are true beyond question is absurd. Where is the "truth" that existed before the 2012 AGM?!?! It's been chucked down the memory hole.


  • Gentledawn

    Didn't read the study article, but wanna toss some thoughts out there:

    We all know their jargon: "brother", "sister", "this system of things", "an encouragement to others", blah, blah, blah. But some terminology is there to reinforce the indoctrination, so much so that the words used whitewash the crap into something it is NOT.

    •"Slave" (also "faithful and discreet") = Master
    Don't believe it? That is why elder(s) go-to question when talking to a questioning "sheep" (baptized person) is, "do you believe the governing body is god's channel on earth today?" They (gov bod) are your Masters. They cannot be questioned, denied, defied or called to account when their terrible, life-wasting nonsense bears no fruit. Ya know, except for wasted years peddling their literature, dogma, doctrine. They require any listeners to change and conform. And to put donations into the cardboard cube collection plate in the back of the hall. Multi-million dollar corporation (definitely into the billions after seling Brooklyn properties) does not need your $10/month.

    - Why exactly does the "world wide work" need money when ALL of it is done by volunteers?
    - Why do new kingdom halls need outside-the-specific-community funding, when prior to this past May's donation changes (now mortgages are paid by each and every congregation, regardless of the age and state of their respective halls), when previously the whole thing (KH builds) was paid for by the local congregations, who were billed for the free laborers, as tabulated on to that same receipt.

    Oft heard - "think of it as a donation of sort to the WT society itself". Translation: pay, pay and pay to the people who are gonna own the building in the end anyway. Most, if not ALL, KH and Ass. buildings are owned by the Watchtower leadership.

    •"the truth" = many, many lies.
    United Nations was the wild beast of revelation. Right? Whilst the patsies were huddling at tuesday/thursday book study groups, gaping in awe at such timely knowledge, the Dear Leadership (aka the whole Watchtower) were members of the UN [1991 = applied, 1992 - 2001 = full-fledged members, ones who annually renewed membership, which was a contractual agreement needing a signature every single year for it].

    And that's just to name a few of their lies.

    • All "talks" from the podium = one-sided diatribes
    They are answerable to no one.
    Here is a link to an article where a man at the microphone in a KH in Massachussets projects blame on to a bible study who had revealed to her study conductor that the local elders had only read the first page of the new donation arrangement letter. The elders were lying about what was really going on with the arrangement and the 4-page letter proved it. So instead of owning up to it, they lambasted her as an 'apostate' in front of the entire congregation, knowing full well that she was connected through a phone tie-in:

    "apostate/apostacy" = anyone who will pull back the curtain and do what they tell you NEVER to do at all: look at outside resources about what exactly the Watchtower leadership is doing.

    Oh, let us not forget the upcoming November 2014 WT study:
    being "holy" = blind obedience to leadership, even when they are proven false via scriptures/scriptural comparisons

    Convoluted language used as a cover for deception is NOT what a person would expect their "loved" one to pull on them at all. Yet the Watchtower uses it constantly.

  • blondie

    "If it were true" just my way of leaving it open to discussion and not being dogmatic about it.

    Remember, Paris, or let me let you know for the first time....Blondie does not believe there is a GB in the bible...try finding the word...I don't kiss their tushies and never have even after meeting several of time over time.


    Save your energy for others


  • Paris

    Pistoff - Thanks for putting that in context - it is really a glaring example of a special kind of evil in the magazines and in the minds of individual witnesses like the above quoted "Duke the Star" I had a hard time figuring out if the original post was from the WT or what part was a "comment" made by someone referred to as Duke the Star. I have not attended a meeting in so many years this forum is my only way to follow what strange things are going on in the WT now.

    A truly creepy comment and so blatantly Cultish. Saying what he said out loud, had to make some people squirm at their own position in supporting this organization and if anyone actually reads the Bible, there is no way this chapter supports anything remotely like a governing body or obedience to magazines or men.

    Blondie- I did not mean to offend you, sorry, I could not tell what your position on the things you were quoting or reporting was. It reads like you are neutral or in favor of, its hard to tell just on its face. Again I did not mean it as a personal attack, sorry.

  • blondie

    Paris, try reading some of my past COMMENTS on the WT Study material...I can assure if you have you would have no doubts about my position.

  • BU2B

    What truly blasphemous comments! They are placing the BORG on the level of God himself. I realize this is nothing new, but they are becoming bolder in saying it more explicitly and more often. Whereas in the past the truly shocking statements were not said as often, the kool-aid edition is spouting off truly shocking bold cultish statements every other month now..

    However this thinking is not new. Check out these quotes

    Qualified to be Ministers Book (Published in 1955), Page 156:

    If we have love for Jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says, 'Believe all things,' all the things that the Watchtower brings out.

    The Watchtower, February 1, 1952 Issue, Pages 79-80:

    If we do not see a point at first we should keep trying to grasp it, rather than opposing and rejecting it and presumptuously taking the position that we are more likely to be right than the discreet slave.

    We should meekly go along with the Lord's theocratic organization and wait for further clarification....

    The Watchtower, June 1, 1956 Issue, Page 345:

    Newcomers must learn to fall in line with the principles and policies of the New World society and act in harmony with them. Sometimes it becomes rather difficult for some of our new associates to make the change. They are prone to be a little rebellious or unruly. But to become genuinely a part of the New World society it is Imperative that proper respect for theocratic arrangement and order be shown. A humble, obedient mental attitude is required.

    The Watchtower, January 15, 1983 Issue, Page 22:

    Avoid Independent Thinking

    Avoid.... questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization.

    How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization.

    The Watchtower, January 15, 1983 Issue, Page 27:

    ....some who point out that the organization has had to make some adjustments before, and so they argue: "This shows that we have to make up our own mind on what to believe." This is independent thinking. Why is it so dan gerous?

    The Watchtower, June 1, 1967 Issue, Page 338: Jehovah's organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to that very thing....

    The Watchtower, September 15, 1989 Issue, Page 23:

    "In the world, there is a tendency to reject leadership. As one lecturer said: ;'The rising education level has improved the talent pool such that followers have become so critical that they are almost impossible to lead.' But a spirit of independent thinking does not prevail in God's organization, and we have sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us."

  • BU2B

    "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Reddit, who are YOU not allowed to criticize? Or who is someone else not allowed to criticize.- Voltaire



    ...............................................................................................................If I Said It..

    ..................................................................................................JWs Would Believe It..LOL!!..

    ................................................................................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • factfinder


    if the gb did say the moon was made of cheese, my brother WOULD believe it.

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